Laura Ballesteros is someone with a kind smile and warm heart. She is the current President of RUKUS Entertainment at UCF and is the type of person who wants to see everyone be better than who they were yesterday.Â
Her Campus UCF (HCUCF): So what is your major, year and age?Â
Laura Ballesteros (LB): I’m a Health Services Administration major, my minor is Health Service Management and I’m getting a certificate in Aging Studies. I’m a junior, and I’m 20 years young.Â
HCUCF: Where are you from?Â
LB: I was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, but I moved to the U.S. when I was seven.Â
HCUCF: Oh that’s really cool! What made you decide to come to UCF?Â
LB: Well, I actually didn’t get into my first choice which was UF. UCF was actually my second option.Â
HCUCF:Â What clubs and organizations are you a part of on campus?Â
LB: I was a part of the 2014 Orientation Team, I’m a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and RUKUS Entertainment. I’ve had a lot of volunteer opportunities, but as far as campus involvement, that’s it.Â
HCUCF: What led you to join those?Â
LB: RUKUS was the first club I joined; I love to dance and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. After that, I joined O-team because my older sister was orientation leader at UF. I wanted to do that and I knew from her experience that it would open up a lot of doors for me. After O-team, I joined Kappa, because through my involvement I realized a lot of student leaders are Greek, and I felt that was a part of my college experience that I was missing out on. Since Kappa, I’ve become a peer advisor, I got a job and I volunteer outside of UCF.Â
HCUCF: What is your favorite style of dance and why?Â
LB: My favorite style, wow… honestly, I find beauty in all types of dance. I’ve tried everything and so it has changed a lot. I learned how to dance back in Colombia, and so I started out doing Latin dances. Back in high school, contemporary was it for me. Now I’m in RUKUS and I’m all about hiphop! I don’t have a favorite. Dance is an art and a craft.Â
HCUCF: So what do you do to relax?Â
LB: Well I just got into coloring again recently. Normally to relax, it depends on my stress. Getting everything done and scheduling time to get it done is usually the only thing that really calms me down as well as prayer. I pray whenever I feel extremely overwhelmed.Â
HCUCF: Do you have a favorite place on campus?Â
LB: The Student Union! There’s so much going on in that one building. If you need something to do, go to the Union!Â
HCUCF: How would you describe yourself?Â
LB: I am a curious person. I’m curious about life and everyone in it. I’m aloof sometimes. I’m an observant person, so sometimes I come off as shy. I’m proud too, I’m proud of where I come from and who I am.Â
HCUCF: What inspires you?Â
LB: That’s a good question. I’ve thought about this a lot and I have multiple answers. Success inspires me. My family –they’re pretty inspiring, specifically my dad. People around me, when I see someone working really hard, that’s inspiring. Passion is really inspiring too.
Photo credit: 1 (courtesy of @zaphirephotography), 2