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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

As the fall semester kicks into full swing, I can’t help but realize it’s my last semester at the University of Central Florida. As bittersweet as it sounds, I am excited for adulthood and all the new opportunities to come. I will miss campus and all the memories I’ve made, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make new memories this semester.

I’ve made it my goal to have a bucket list with all the events and places I would like to experience before graduation. UCF always keeps students engaged through the variety of activities on campus, and I hope to do as much as possible to fully benefit from the “college experience.”

Here are some of the goals that reside in the top spots of my list.


UCF is known for its sports teams and, not to brag, our sports teams have been doing great this semester. Maybe this is due to our school spirit being off the charts.

The number one thing I love about sports games is the atmosphere. Everyone is excited and the team feeds off that energy. The band is one of the best parts, as the crowd loves to hear the classic UCF chant. The sports games allow students to connect in an energetic environment and I hope to go to some games surrounded by my friends this semester.

Although, I love our football and basketball games, the women’s soccer team has proven to be a fan favorite, so I hope to check them out sometime soon.


If you are unfamiliar with Spirit Splash, let me explain. At UCF, Spirit Splash is held during Homecoming Week, scheduled for the week of Oct. 26 this year, as an event to get students excited.

In preparation for the event, the Reflection Pond gets roped off so students can line up. Once it’s time, the ropes drop and students run in the water in the hopes of catching a rubber duck thrown by other students and the football team. Tradition dictates that UCF alumni should have a duck for every year they attended school here.

Now, I don’t plan on being in the crowd, but I definitely wouldn’t mind watching from the back. I don’t want to risk it all just for a rubber duck, but I think it would be funny to watch the chaos commence as other students fight for a duck.

football tailgates

This is not to be confused with a football game, as tailgates involve more students and more fun.

I have been to a couple of tailgates but I plan to go to as many as I can this semester. The students get to know each other better while playing games, taking photos, or visiting different tents. The best part about tailgates is when you can walk over to a friend’s tent and meet so many new faces. Everyone is so nice and is always offering food.

I don’t know about you, but I love a good hot dog on Memory Mall.

try all the food on campus

There are so many places to grab food on campus. I have tried almost all of them, but I know some are missing from my palate.

One of them is an acai bowl store called Purple Ocean Superfood Bar in the Student Union. I have seen my friends get their bowls and it always looks so delicious. On a hot day an acai bowl would be the best. Also in the Student Union is ‘Restaurant Row’, this is when different local restaurants will cater to UCF for the week and students can try new things. Every semester new restaurants show and familiar faces return. Anytime there is a long line when I stop by I know I should check it out.

swim in the leisure pool

I have never been to the Leisure Pool on campus and, unfortunately, it’s always been because my classes interfere. I’m going to make it a priority this semester, as the pool is so nice, and I could use the relaxation. I know I need to make this happen before the weather cools down, and no one is going to want to go to the pool if it’s chilly out.

There have been events at the Leisure Pool and Knightro will sometimes stop by for a swim. Honestly, I would love to play mermaids with Knightro. I think that would earn me a spot on the UCF Instagram.

Chill at Lake Claire

I always see students hanging out at Lake Claire, playing volleyball or canoeing, and I have always wanted to enjoy some time there myself. Sometimes it’s too hot to relax on the sand, but with the weather cooling down, this semester is the perfect opportunity. Having such a nice lake on campus is really nice because it gives students the opportunity to have a moment of peace.

Once it’s not too hot, I’ll plan to have lunch there someday and even watch a sunset. Getting some quiet time would be nice, especially with all the hustle and bustle of my classes this semester.

I hope to reflect on this by December and be happy with all the things I’ve done. This is my last chance to enjoy every moment and soak up those memories. The campus has become a second home to me, and I know I will miss it. I will miss all the little things that stressed me out before adulthood drove me crazy, but that’s college for you.

I’m incredibly thankful to UCF and all the adventures I’ve experienced. I know I will reflect on my time and be happy to have earned my education from UCF.

Once a Knight, always a Knight.

Bellanee Plaza is a senior studying at the University of Central Florida with a major in journalism and a minor in film. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of The Charge, UCF's student newspaper. Bella is originally from Miami and is half-Colombian, half-Puerto Rican. She has been apart of Her Campus UCF for 2 years with experience in writing and marketing.