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Single and NOT Ready to Mingle: Why It’s OK to Be Alone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

In a world that seems to be obsessed with the idea of #RelationshipGoals women can often feel as though they are inadequate when they are single. The media-driven idea of the single gal searching for her true love or dating to find Mr. Right often fail to highlight the fact that being single can be downright awesome.  As cliché as it might sound, I believe that the right guy will come into your life at the right time. In the meantime, here are some reasons why it’s alright to be single and not searching.

Being Alone Builds Character

When you’re single, you learn so much about yourself. You can discover your preferences, what makes you happy, and how to be the best version of yourself. Let’s face it, if you have your own set of personal issues that you are dealing with, it will only escalate when you’re in a relationship. Being single is the perfect opportunity for self-inventory. For instance, if you are someone that struggles with trust issues, a self-assessment (to figure out what triggers this) is the key to becoming a more trusting person.

An Empire Is Not Built in A Day

I believe that as strong collegiate women we are queens in our own right. Therefore, in order to “rule” your metaphorical empire (your life) you must take the time to work hard at it. To break it down, you have to make sure that your life is on point. With this in mind, being single is a great way to truly dedicate your time to excelling in your life. Focus on school. Score that internship. Finally achieve your “summer body”.  In other words, “Do you boo.”

No Strings Attached

In no means am I trying to discredit the value of being in a committed relationship, however, when you’re single it’s refreshing to know that you are not tied down. It’s as if you are given a free pass of no limitations. You have the right to be somewhat selfish with your actions. By selfish I mean that you don’t have to factor in another person’s opinions or feelings about certain issues. You are in your own lane, and can handle your own life accordingly.

Quality relationships take time and effort. They can often drain you mentally and emotionally.  However, being single is one less responsibility in your life.  As a collegiate queen with a busy schedule, a relationship can often feel like just another activity on your to-do list. To add insult to injury, being in a relationship comes with its own set of trials and tribulations. Who’s got the time for that?

We hope that you can see that being single is not as dreary as people often perceive it to be.  The process of solitude is life’s way of saying “You need some me-time.” Are you single and not ready to mingle?


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Abisola, also known as simply "Abby" is an electronic journalism major. She is a Nigerian-American blogger, songwriter, soon-to-be author, and self-proclaimed feminist. She is a reporter for a website called "PrettyGirlsSweat" and also writes for UCF's news source "KnightNews.com" In her free time she enjoys catching up on her favorite shows which include Gilmore Girls, Blackish, Modern Family, and the Mindy Project. She also enjoys watching makeup tutorials and vlogs on YouTube. In the future, she aspires to be a news anchor/reporter for an Entertainment News Station such as E! Follow Abisola on social media to keep up with her shenanigans. Twitter: https://twitter.com/abisola2798 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/abbyadeyemo27/
UCF Contributor