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SMPS Career & Internship Expo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Hey Collegiettes! Have you been searching for the perfect internship? Well, if you are a business or communication major, search no further because the UCF SMPS Internship/Career Expo is just what you need.

The Society for Marketing Professional Services is hosting an Internship and Career Expo on Tuesday, October 15th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Cape Florida Ballroom (3rd floor of the Student Union). The expo is targeted toward business and communication majors, but is open to all students.

In order to attend the event, students must come dressed in professional attire. Also, don’t forget to print out multiple copies of your resume! Some professors are offering extra credit for attending, so ask yours to see if you qualify.

Check out the SMPS UCF Chapter website to view a list of employers that will be attending and go to the SMPS UCF Facebook page to find updates about this and future events.

Matt Fultz is a sophomore studying Marketing and Magazine Journalism. He is currently the official fashion blogger of Her Fashion and contributing writer for HCUCF. After college, Matt hopes to work for a fashion magazine in NYC and gain a reputation as a fashion photographer. Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattWFultz for fashion updates and more! 
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