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Step into Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

The wait is finally over; Spring 2012’s hottest looks have been sauntering their way down the catwalk in New York, leaving us all fantasizing about the day we have enough cash to hang that Elie Saab gown we’ve been lusting over in a place of honor in our closets.  However, until we reach that goal we’re going to have to handle our fashion obsession the budget-friendly way, by taking inspiration from the runways instead of shelling out the money for the real thing. And is there a more important trend in the fashion world than color?
Designers this season have worked a plethora of interesting and unexpected colors into their collections. Spring’s color palate ranges from bright neons to pastels, giving collections both variety and depth, keeping outfits engaging to the eye and giving fashionistas room to adopt the hues that suit them best.

“Tangerine Tango”- Perhaps the biggest color of them all this season comes from the minds behind color standardizing, producing, and forecasting company Pantone. Pantone releases a color of the year for each year, and the current color, “Tangerine Tango,” has been appearing all over the runway. This cheerful and punchy hue adds a bit of flair to any outfit, it would look especially poignant when layered next to blacks and neutrals.  If this sunny color is a little too bold for your style, stick to trying it in accessories.

Neutrals- Basics are back in a big way this season; muted tans, beiges, and grays are abundant. Layering these neutrals in different shades and textures can give a new spin on an old classic, or simply let these fundamental colors serve as the building blocks of your outfit showcasing bold accessories.

Pastels- Lady-like pastels also make the grade this spring.  Take your dainty side out for a spin in colors that are garden party approved. Try these colors out the traditional way on dresses and skirts, or on pants and jackets for a more interesting variant.

Daring Hues- Dynamic colors such as acid yellows, screaming pinks, and bright greens have exploded this season. Following trend, these shades found homes on color-blocked dresses, skirts, and bodysuits. Try pairing a brightly colored skirt and jacket with a more neutral shirt; bright colored shoes can also give a look that brilliant finishing touch.
From the bold to the neutrals, I encourage you to give these colors a try and add some new life to your closet!