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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

With misogyny embedded in every corner of the world, sometimes you want to escape it by listening to some women empowerment songs and screaming them at the top of your lungs.

In this article, we will dive deep into some of the top female empowerment songs from discovering yourself to standing up for yourself to smashing systematic sexism.

“mother’s daughter” by miley cyrus

“Mother’s Daughter” carries the feminist rage of a woman, her mother, and her ancestral lineage. It highlights the importance of having and pursuing personal freedom in a world consistently attacking women’s freedom. The song proudly references the labels, “I am nasty, I am evil,” as a symbol of rebellion against gender roles because women are usually called names when they rebel against gender roles.

“paint the town red” by doja cat

“Paint the Town Red” is for women who want to live their lives without caring what others think. It is for the women who are not scared to express themselves outside of what patriarchal society expects. It is for the women who stand by what they say, regardless of what others think.

“I will make a man outta you” from ‘mulan’

Who did not like Mulan and her story growing up? Even though the title of the song, and maybe even the song itself, refers to the traditional idea of “being a man,” it is still a very powerful song. This song is particularly moving to women who were told they can’t do certain jobs and had to work harder than their male counterparts to prove themselves and challenge gender stereotypes. 

“watch me shine” from ‘legally blonde’

If you ever watched Legally Blonde, then you probably recognize this song from the scene, “I will show you how valuable Elle Woods is.” This song is for the ladies who were told they were not smart enough, as they are now making others watch them shine. Even though this song was meant for a career, school environment in the scene, feel free to use it to improve your mental well-being!

“I did something bad” by taylor swift

Released in 2017 as a revengeful comeback to her opponents and haters, “I Did Something Bad” serves as a challenge and rebellion against patriarchal expectations of women. The song states, “Then why does it feel so good?” implying that she knows her actions will upset the patriarchy, but she enjoys the idea of doing something considered “taboo” or unacceptable by society. Swift also says in the song, “They are burning all of the witches even if you aren’t one,” to demonstrate how often women receive hated, no matter the circumstance. 

“god is a woman” by ariana grande

Even though this song sparked a lot of controversy when it was released in 2018, “God is a Woman” is nothing more than a metaphor used to describe female power and sexual energy outside of the patriarchal gaze. “And I can be all things you told me not to be,” Grande sings, describing how she will not submit to what society thinks a woman should or shouldn’t be.  

“bad girls” by m.i.a

“Bad Girls” is such an underrated song to add to your playlist! In the song, ‘bad girls’ refer to women who break the patriarchy’s oppressive rules. “Suki Suki,” means drive for women in Arabic, since it is a gendered language. It refers to women in Saudi Arabia who were not allowed to drive until 2019. These women are ‘bad girls’ as a result of fighting for their freedom and breaking the laws. 

“breakfast” by dove cameron

If you have ever been mistreated by some men, this song is for you. “Breakfast” was released in 2022 around the time that Roe v. Wade was overturned. “So you wanna talk about power, let me show you power,” Cameron says, highlighting that she won’t be threatened or let anyone get in her way.

“woman” by doja cat

Another great song from Doja Cat is “Woman.” It is upbeat with lyrics celebrating womanhood and woman power in multifaceted ways, from a mother to a powerful leader to a goddess in mythology. It celebrates the strength of woman living in a sexist society. It also highlights how female rivalry is being imposed in society.

“part of me” by katy perry

There is no doubt Katy Perry had lots of bangers in the early 2000s. If you are looking for a song to get your power back after a toxic relationship and heartbreak, this song is for you. The music video aligns with her lyrics, as she reclaimed her power and transformed herself when she served her country. 

04 24 2019 KATY PERRY PIE FACE 0042
Courtesy of Christine Hahn
“maneater” by nelly furtado

Not only is “Maneater” a catchy beat a lot of us enjoyed listening to when it came out in the early 2000s, but this song also provides a valuable message. It portrays a woman who has high self-confidence, influence, and self-esteem; she knows her worth. The banger portrays a woman who is not scared to be assertive and fight for what she wants, unlike the way society expects her to settle down.

“bejeweled” by taylor swift

From when her album Midnights was released in 2022 to now, the song “Bejeweled” advocates for women to love themselves, be confident, and know their worth. ‘Bejeweled’ means to be filled with jewels, as Swift sings, “when I walk into the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer.” In other words, Swift will find ways to make others shine and help them find their power. 

Overall, this playlist is not just meant to remind you of your power and strength. More importantly, it is to remember what women before fought for and how the job is still yours to finish in every corner of the world. 

Hello, I am Ganna and I am a film student at UCF following a documentary track. I enjoy reading, writing, research and feminist studies.