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Tips to Survive Quarantine Long Distance

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Long distance has never been ideal, and I know many people who have suddenly been thrust into this unfortunate circumstance because of, well, unfortunate circumstances — myself included. If you and your significant other are not fortunate enough to live together and are being decent human beings by social distancing (seriously, stay home) you might be struggling to adjust. Here are a few tips that me and my lovely boyfriend have been taking advantage of to avoid going insane (Pro Tip: These work for friends, too)!

Netflix Party

Of course, this was going to be on the list. This Google Chrome extension is a way to watch Netflix together online and even adds a chat messaging feature, so it lets you have movie nights together even though you may be miles apart! I have been making use of it every night for a while, and let me just say—there are some really wacky films out there. It certainly makes for an entertaining evening!

Phone/Video Calls

It’s easy to fall into the simple routine of just texting because it’s convenient, but nothing is more refreshing than hearing the voice of someone you miss. It can also be exciting to set time aside for a nice date over Skype or FaceTime so you have an excuse to dress nice, even if it is just virtual. Make the little moments count! 

Write Letters

Have you ever longed for the era where handwritten sentiments were still around? Well, now is your chance! It’s sweet to send off little messages to the people you cannot see in person, and you never know what could make someone’s day. If you don’t have a way to send letters, e-mails are a funny way to show that someone is on your mind. 

Create Together

You can pick out little art projects — painting, writing songs, poetry — and work on them at the same time as your significant other/friend/etc. It’ll be really special to share the creative process with that person, and you can brainstorm together as an added bonus. 

Take Random Online Quizzes

Sometimes I regret falling into random black holes of BuzzFeed quizzes about what pasta I am or what TV show character best represents my aura, but that pastime can be really fun to do with someone else. Together you can laugh at all the random things you come across!

These are just a few little ideas to get you started, but there are so many other ways to enjoy your time together while apart. Part of the experience is adjusting to it together! So, go send out some virtual hugs and stay safe. 

Caroline Hull is a senior at the University of Central Florida and is double majoring in Theatre Studies and Creative Writing. She is pursuing her dreams of either being a successful playwright or an English teacher, and loves to spend her spare time cuddling with her dogs, Maya and Winston.