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Halloween Horror Nights building with spooky stuff
Halloween Horror Nights building with spooky stuff
Original photo by Bellanee Plaza
Culture > Entertainment

Top 7 Tips for Your Next Halloween Horror Nights Trip 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

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Ever since our first trip in 2021, Halloween Horror Nights has become a much-beloved family tradition. This year was no different. With exciting house themes such as Stranger Things, The Last of Us, and Chucky, we eagerly counted down the days until we could go. As an annual Passholder and Horror Nights freak, I know what to prepare for when planning a trip to Universal. So here are my top 7 tips to prepare for your next Universal Studios Horror Nights trip. 

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Get a Stay and Scream Pass

Since my family and I have annual passes, we got to the park around 3:30 to wait in the “Stay and Scream” area. Although we waited for about an hour and a half in the hot sun, we were some of the first people in the Stranger Things house, which opened at 5:15. The rest of the park doesn’t open until 6:30pm so by the time the gates opened we had already finished three houses, Stranger Things, Dueling Dragons, and The Exorcist. 

Wear Breathable Clothing

Even if you don’t get the Stay and Scream pass, you are still bound to be in the sun for a few hours. It is so tempting to prioritize fashion over comfort, but it was so painfully hot the first couple of hours. I recommend shorts and a tank top or t-shirt. Comfortable shoes are definitely a must-have item due to the sheer amount of walking you’ll be doing throughout the park.

BRING AN Umbrella While You Wait In Line

As humorous as it sounds, using an umbrella while waiting for the gates to open was such a life saver. There was very limited shade, and I found myself overheating really quickly. But once I started using an umbrella to protect myself from the sun, I immediately felt better. 

Bring a Water Bottle

There are so many locations to fill up your water bottle, so instead of spending $6 on a plastic bottle at the park you can bring in an empty bottle or a completely sealed plastic bottle. I recommend going to the Coca Cola station located between Men in Black and Simpson land. 

Prioritize the houses You’re More Interested In

Especially if you don’t have an Express Pass, there’s a high possibility that you won’t make it through each house. It’s worth taking a look at the descriptions of each house before heading to Universal. For me, I was the most excited for Stranger Things, The Last of Us, and Darkest Deal. Stranger Things and The Last of Us definitely had some of the longest lines throughout the night, so those were some of the first houses I targeted to get through.

Let Yourself Be Scared

Although this may sound strange, not putting on an immediate fight or flight response makes the night so much more enjoyable. I wasn’t trying to predict when scare actors were going to pop out at me and I didn’t try to shield my eyes from the potential dangers. Even though I got more frightened with jump scares, I laughed so much harder over them and it helped me stay more level headed throughout the night than I would have otherwise.

The Nightmare Fuel Show is Worth It

One of my favorite parts of Horror Nights is the Nightmare Fuel show. Located next to Men In Black, Nightmare Fuel is an extravagant show with acrobatics, fire, and incredible stunts. It’s also a great chance to rest your feet after a long night of walking. It’s important to get there about thirty minutes before show time because seats aren’t guaranteed. A quick disclaimer: there are some sexual elements of the show so keep that in mind if that makes you or anyone in your party uncomfortable.

Halloween Horror Nights is an event that I consider to genuinely be worth the price point. It’s so fun getting into the Halloween spirit while being absolutely jump scared (a little terror is good for the soul). There are so many things to look forward to at Horror Nights, whether that be cool new merchandise, freaky scare zones, the Nightmare Fuel show, or simply the houses. No matter if this is your first time at Horror Nights or your hundredth, there are always new tips to discover to make your experience even better. Have fun and don’t go alone!

Anna Reed is a current student at UCF double majoring in Political Science (Intelligence and National Security) and Theatre Studies BA. In her free time, Anna loves to express herself creatively through writing, cooking, singing, dancing, and acting. She also is a huge theme park enthusiast,plant collector, and music/film buff.