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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

There is something that universally connects all women-our period. It is something that we all experience once every month. We have to hide it. We have to pretend its not there. We have to feel self-conscious and wonder if we have stains on our clothes.           


Not anymore. A piece of silicone is revolutionizing the way that women think about their period. The DivaCup is a silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina. It collects menstrual blood and can be worn for up to twelve hours. Unlike tampons, there is no risk of toxic shock syndrome and the cup can be worn again after being thoroughly washed.

The DivaCup is changing the world because it helps women save money and take charge of their period. Jezebel estimates that women will spend about 120 dollars a year on pads and tampons. Divacup is reusable and eliminates the need for women to need to rebuy tampons and pads every cycle.

The DivaCup can be distributed to homeless shelters and women living on the street so that they can feel more confident while on their period. It will save women a substantial amount of money every year. It can be used by in variety of other ways to make women feel empowered.


With DivaCup, you can finally embrace your period. DivaCup helps women save money, time going to the store buying tampons and pads, and will make you feel confident. That is something we can all get behind. 

Jillian James is a senior at the University of Central Florida. She is majoring in Writing and Rhetoric and minoring in Mass Communication (because apparently you can’t minor in BeyoncĂ© studies). Her favorite food is free because she is a college student and the two loves of her life are Ben and Jerry (of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream fame). If she’s not writing or reading she is probably watching The Office or waiting in line at Starbucks. She loves to show off her dance moves in “inappropriate” places like the grocery store. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Jillianrosej, where she frequently posts things that make people think that she has her life together. 
UCF Contributor