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You’re Perfect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

I’ve heard it all too many times before. No matter if you’re the most beautiful thing to grace the campus, the talented musician, the athlete, or the girl that’s friends with everyone, we’ve all faced this treacherous question. When involved with a boy that’s not ready to commit being in an exclusive relationship, even the best of us succumb to the lingering question, “Why am I not enough?”

This question can sometimes be where confidence goes to die. It’s the most self-destructing question I’ve ever heard or thought. But I’ve got a little insight for you. Just because your “man” isn’t ready to leave his 12-year-old state of mind and enter a relationship with you, doesn’t mean you’re to blame. Of course I know that’s human nature – when you like someone their flaws are masked and yours seem to be highlighted in an abrasive neon color named ‘doubt.’ But friends, allow me to set this straight.
One of my closest friends Megan shared with me an Italian folklore from her family that has always stuck with me.  As you make your way through life, your story is continuously being written. Plots will twist, low points and high points will arise, and characters will come and go. Truth is, everyone has a different story. This story will intersect with those of friends, family, and your love interests.
But here’s the thing. The stories of you and __________ (insert name of flaky boy here) intersected, yet they have different endings. In reality, you’re so much better than this boy. You two met. You must continue writing your story. The time after him is going to be glorious. Anyone that has ever met you can see that. It’s obvious. You’re beautiful exactly the way you are.  Boys aren’t here to make you feel less than what you are, even if it’s indirectly; they’re here to accentuate your already vibrant glow. Next time you catch yourself thinking this thought, and I know, I’m guilty too, remember this, you’re perfect.
Heed this advice; you’ll save yourself much heartache.
Love YGBF,