While finals week looked so far away on our syllabi the first week of classes, it always creeps up on us a lot faster than we think. As we are now in the midst of the busiest time of the quarter, many of us spend all hours of the day (and night) studying for exams and writing essays in the library. Here are 10 of the most annoying people that will drive you crazy when you’re trying to get work done.
The person who open his/her bag of chips loudly and slowly
The person who talks on the phone
The person who listens to music so loudly you can hear it through his/her headphones
The person who doesn’t bother to use headphones at all
The person who watches TV shows on the lab computers
The people in study groups who won’t stop talking
The two friends sitting at your table who stop whispering to each other
The person who asks you to watch his/ her stuff real quick, but then takes forever to return
The person next to you who keeps trying to start a conversation when you are in the middle of writing a paper and then you lose that last amazing thought
The person who takes up an entire table to themselves when the library is crowded
*photo creds: cover and teaser image from movietvtechgeeks.com and memes.com, 1. Pinteres,com 2. fireflydaily.com 3..memecenter.com 4.brianaford.com 5.memegenerator.net 6 funnyjunk.com 7.buzzplay.com 8.Pinterest.com 9.makeameme.org 10.Teen.com