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11 Easy Things You Can Do to Be Healthier in 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

It’s a new year and with a new year comes resolutions, most of which are about being healthier. If you’re someone who’s decided that taking better care of your body is your top priority in 2017 then kudos to you! But make sure that the health goals you set and realistic and specific. “Eat better” and “workout more” are not resolutions that you’re likely to keep because they are too vague. And even a resolution like “Keep a daily food journal” which is specific might be too unrealistic if you’re as forgetful as I am. So here are a few things you can easily do to be healthier in 2017:

1. Start your meals with vegetables and end them with fruits

No matter what dining hall you eat at, there is always a salad bar and there are always fruits so no excuses with this one! If you start your meal off the right way, you’ll want to continue that healthy streak so without consciously intending to, you’ll probably be more careful with your choice in mains. Vowing to eat fruits at the end of your meal gives you a dessert-like course to look forward to. Just make sure that if you grab it on your way out you start eating it immediately, otherwise you might just store it in your backpack or on your desk and never get round to eating it!


2. Do something active every day

It doesn’t have to be big! Just move around more during the day – take the stairs, or do 10 sit-ups before bed. Something is better than nothing! You don’t have to spend an hour sweating at the gym to do something good for your body! But if you feel like you need to pant to feel like you’ve really accomplished something then there are tons of exercises you can do that don’t require much equipment, time, or space. Don’t believe me? Download the Nike+ Fitness app and see for yourself!


3. Keep the unhealthy foods in the back of the fridge/cupboards

In a perfect world, if you live in an apartment you won’t have unhealthy foods in your kitchen. But this isn’t a perfect world so chances are you have the odd bag of chips or Klondike bar lying around. If you make these foods less accessible, then you probably won’t reach for them that often so go ahead and put them out of sight! These are foods that you shouldn’t be seeking out but it’s good to know that they’re there for your cheat days!


4. Minimize stress by doing assignments as soon as you get them

Don’t let your work sit on your desk for more than 2 or 3 days because the fact that you haven’t done it yet will make you dread it before you even start it. And that will make it that much harder to actually do! Also, if you have a small errand to run or a long email to respond to, or just anything to do that you think will take more than ten minutes – schedule it otherwise you won’t get round to doing it for a while and that too will frustrate you!


5. Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry, and pay for your groceries in cash

Going shopping hungry is a recipe for disaster! You’re growling tummy will encourage you to grab more than you need! If you do your groceries right after you’ve eaten a good meal, you won’t be tempted to buy excessively. Also, if decide from the moment you walk into the store that you’re going to pay in cash then you’re more likely to stick to the essentials and avoid indulgences – it’s good for your body and good for your wallet!


6. Stay hydrated

It might be harder in the cold weather because you won’t ever be feeling so parched that you literally seek out water but just get into the habit of walking around with a water bottle. Alternatively, you could drink more herbal tea instead – it’ll keep you hydrated, warm, and relaxed.


7. Whenever you eat out with a group of friends, order first

As humans we are constantly influenced by the actions of those around us. This is especially true when you’re at a restaurant with your friends and trying to order food! If everyone at the table seems to be choosing more indulgent meals, then you’ll feel less guilty doing so and follow suit. That’s why you should order first because you’ll end up picking something that is more in line with what your body needs (read: appropriate portion size, more nutritional value)!


8. Make a list of activities/foods that you like and that are also good for you

Do 2 of those activities at least once a week. Bonus points if you invite friends to tag along! When you go grocery shopping, make sure those foods are at the top of your list and try to eat at least 2 of those foods every day! Being healthy isn’t about persevering through meals and activities you hate but that are good for you. It’s about finding activities and foods that you like and that are good for you and consistently engaging in those activities and eating those foods.


9. Don’t cut out foods right away – first make substitutions

If you really love bacon but can’t see yourself giving it up, then try turkey bacon or tofurkey! Do you have a really bad sweet tooth that makes you crave dessert at every meal? Try eating flavored greek yoghurt or munching on a piece of dark chocolate to satisfy that must-have-dessert urge. If after making substitutions, you feel like you can cut the food out then go for it! If not, then stick with the healthier substitution!


10. Moderate

We all know that too much of anything, even a good thing, isn’t good for us but. This is a tough goal to specify but what works for me is just listening to my body. No one knows better than you if you’re too full, or too tired, or too stressed! Mentally note the indicators of all those things and when you feel them coming on, reevaluate your habits because clearly there is something you’re doing in excess or not doing enough!


11. Take everything day by day

There’s nothing thaaaat special about the new year, I’m not really sure why people wait for the new year to make resolutions or to start on a clean slate. I think you can start on a clean slate every day! Just because you had a bad day, doesn’t mean you’ll have a bad week. Learn to leave your mistakes and bad experiences in the past. If had an extra cookie for dinner or skipped the gym, you don’t need to beat yourself up about it for hours on end. At the end of the day write down all things that you’re upset about – even things that weren’t in control or things that other people did – now tear up that piece of paper and then trash it. Make it a point not to bring up those things thereafter and start over the following day. For the things that can’t be forgotten so quickly, talk to someone about it – a problem shared is a problem halved.


I hope these are habits that you can quickly pick up and be consistent with! Cheers to a happy and healthier 2017!


Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.