Netflix’s new show, Everything Sucks! follows AV club nerds Luke, McQuaid, Tyler and Kate who team up with the high school drama kids, Emmaline and Oliver, to make an intergalactic space romance film in the 1990’s. Romance and ridicule ensues. The mix of nostalgia and lovable characters seems like it should make Everything Sucks! Netflix’s next hit, even though it unfortunately hasn’t been renewed for Season 2.Â
Is this Freaks and Geeks?
Is this Stranger Things?
Why does Kate look like Dustin?
Why does Oliver look like Steve?
I hope Oliver has the same journey as Steve in Season 2. Preferably for Tyler.
I love that their town is named Boring, Oregon.
Is there a real town called Boring, Oregon?
I just Googled it. There is, in fact, a town called Boring, Oregon.
Emmaline is always serving major looks. I wish I had her wardrobe.
Luke is such a sweetheart!!! Look at him falling in love with Kate!!!
McQuaid is the purest dork that ever lived, and I love his facts and statistics. Â
We’ve all had a teacher like Mr. Stargrove, am I right?
Ummm … Scott harassing Jessica during the morning announcements is not okay.
“Have a Boring day” is my new catchphrase.
This show has all the cliches of a classic 90’s and early 2000’s show but in the best way possible!
I love that they made Tyler have difficulty reading. There are probably so many people who deal with that and have never had anybody on TV to identify with.
Ken Messner is the best dad and principal ever! A little dorky, but in the most endearing way possible.
Sherry is smart and kind and beautiful and a great mom.
I hope Ken and Sherry end up together
But I hope Luke and Kate end up together.
Maybe the stars will align and Kate or Luke will find someone else so that their parents can be happy together.
Omg if Kate is in the LGTBQ+ community that would be amazing representation for younger viewers! Poor Luke will never be with the girl he likes, but Kate deserves to be absolutely happy. And I’m sure Luke will find someone new!
The representation on this show is absolutely phenomenal.Â
It could be made a little better if there were any Latinx or Asian characters though.
This show is completely underrated and everybody needs to watch it as soon as possible.
So much nostalgia! So much cuteness! I’m obsessed with this show.
@Netflix, where’s season two? I need it. Like now.
Have a Boring day!