Snacks are essential. With classes, clubs, and work at odd intervals throughout the day, snacks can help keep you fueled and stop your stomach from growling in class. But while it’s easy and convenient to grab a bag of chips or buy a pack of cookies from the vending machine, there are other snacks that will better benefit you.
1. Banana
Want to avoid that loud crunch of an apple in class while also getting your fruit intake? Bananas are easy to eat on the go; not only are they healthy, they’re also filling! Plus, you can always flavor it up by adding some extra ingredients like peanut butter.
2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can be a snack too! Not only can you make oatmeal pretty quickly, you can scoop it into a small container and bring it with you throughout your day. Oatmeal is very good for your heart, and if you add things like blueberries or sliced strawberries on top, you can also pick up some more essential vitamins!
3. Celery
Cut up stalks of celery and put it in a small container so that you can grab it and go! You can also add dipping sauces like peanut butter or hummus on the side.
4. Clementines/Tangerines
These fruits, small and sweet, are both a delicious and convenient snack. They won’t take up too much space in your bag, but they are filled with vitamins and potassium.
5. Greek Yogurt
Add fruits and granola to your Greek yogurt to give it extra taste. Greek yogurt is not only loaded with potassium and calcium, it also contains lots of protein, so it’s sure to be filling. Also, when you add fruits like blueberries or strawberries to your yogurt, your vitamin intake will increase, which is a great plus!
6. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is full of protein, and you can spread it on crackers or eat it by itself. Admittedly, cottage cheese is very much an acquired taste, but it’ll definitely be a healthy option for a nutritious snack!
Don’t let your stomach growl in class another day longer! Pack these snacks to-go so that you can have both a filling option and a nutritious one!