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Style > Decor

6 Steps To Quickly Liven Up Your Room On A Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

I know that quarantine has not been easy on people’s mental health and overall well being. It is very frustrating to have to stay inside most of the time and conduct all of your business from your house or apartment. However, I have found it very helpful to take the time to customize your personal space to make it the more suitable and useful for you. If you are going to be working from your room, you might as well enjoy being in there. That is why I decided to put together a short list of things you can try to liven up your space and give it new life. Here are six quick, easy and cheap options: 

Rearrange your furniture

In my opinion, this is the simplest, cheapest and most fun way to change the energy in your room. It costs you absolutely nothing, and you can really use your creativity to figure out various arrangements depending on how you want your space to be separated and organized. Moving things to a new location also allows you to release any negative energy or emotions you may have through the process. 

Make a wall collage

You can print out personal photos, artsy tumblr/pinterest posts and cute designs that you find online to tape up. This allows you to transform an empty wall into a work of art! 

Add some accent lights

Almost everyone I know has LED strips in their room nowadays (thanks to TikTok), and I do not blame them. Colorful lights can really help change the vibe of your room and allow you to change the mood whenever you want. If you want something a little more subtle and dainty, you could try getting fairy lights; they can add a soft glow to your room without being too harsh. Either way, adding new lights will not only brighten up your space (literally), but they will also change the dynamic of the room!

Get new bed sheets

I know this one might not sound as exciting, but changing your bed sheets can really alter the vibe of your whole room. Also, getting different sheets (whether you buy new, thrift or upcycle) feels refreshing and is an inexpensive way to make your room feel renewed. 

Add some plants

Adding plants really brings more life and vibrance into your space. Although you do need to remember to take care of them, most plants are not high maintenance. 

Make your own art and show it off

One of my favorite things to do is to create my own art and then incorporate it into my room. You do not have to be artistically gifted to do this. Just make something for fun and keep it simple. Also, explore various mediums, such as paint, ink or clay. 

The additions I mentioned above are just some affordable and reasonable ways to modify and improve your room, but there are definitely many more. No matter what you decide to do, changing things up every so often can really help bring good energy and make you feel more comfortable, empowered and motivated. Good luck!

Kristin is a fourth year MCDB major and Film minor who loves to create art and bring a smile to people's faces. You can probably find her at the beach or in bed. Oh, and she is in love with cookies and cartoons.
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