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6 Ways You Can Prepare For Black Friday Madness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

With the approach of Thanksgiving, means the excitement of the consumer holiday that is Black Friday! Because I am somebody that does not personally celebrate Thanksgiving, Black Friday is a personal holiday that I get excited about like many other families who do not acknowledge the previous Thursday due to colonialist histories.

We all know that Black Friday can get a little crazy. We’ve all seen the crazy videos of people getting pepper-sprayed or tackled in department stores. As a former retail worker, I also have some horror stories working the shift from Thanksgiving night till Saturday morning. While the spirit of Black Friday may allow for discrepancies in respectfulness towards other shoppers and employees, it is important to remember how to be safe and courteous to the other people around you. 

So, here are 6 ways you can prepare for the Black Friday Madness!

Create A Priority List

Creating a priority list is one of the many ways you can stay safe and efficient during the Black Friday madness. Making a list of the products you want can be a great way for you to search for the best deals beforehand and have a gameplan ready. As an added bonus, most stores start their deals early and that way you can avoid long lines and waiting out in the freezing cold. Knowing which items you want the most can help you by narrowing down specific stores and avoiding others.

Stop Waking Up At Dawn

Chances are the things you most want will still be there at 10 A.M., despite you camping out in the cold. In my experience, as a Black Friday veteran and retail employee, stores quickly restock. Regardless of the hour, you should still be able to participate in all of the door-busting deals. By getting a full night of sleep, your beauty rest will keep you more inclined to be respectful to employees who have been working since Thanksgiving, and keep you energized while standing in long lines.

It Is 2019 Y’all, Cyber Monday Is An Amazing Thing!

In case you want to miss the crowds entirely or you were unable to secure your bag, Cyber Monday is a great opportunity for you to partake in the deals of the holiday within the confines of your own home. This means no waiting in long lines, not having to pull an all-nighter and, most importantly, not having to wear pants!

Stay Fed And Hydrated!

Amidst the frenzy, many people forget to replenish their bodies by eating snacks and keeping up their fluids! Though securing amazing deals is important, staying energized, safe and nourished should be on top of your list. That way you won’t be grumpy while shopping and will be pleasant among your fellow shoppers and retail workers! Whether it be water, coffee or the Starbucks Pink Drink along with a salty pretzel, making sure your stomach is happy will keep you happy.

Make Frequent Trips Back To Your Car!

In a hurry to secure as many deals as possible, people forget that this is shopping and not a session at your local gym. Save your back and shoulders from pain by making use of your car as a place to deposit all of your goods. Don’t worry, the new beauty product you’ve wanted forever won’t disappear while you’re setting down your stuff. Your body will thank you the next day!

Take Your Friends With You

Having a group of friends to go shopping with creates a fun, efficient and fulfilling Black Friday experience. In the frenzy of sales and deals, many people forget that Black Friday is a time in which you can have fun while shopping with friends. Not only that, you guys can create a buddy system in which some people stand in line while others browse for better deals, maximizing your time and money. So grab your besties, put on the right shoes and go shopping!

With these 6 tips on conquering Black Friday, you’ll make the most efficient, ideal shopper! Happy hunting!

Esther Kang is an English major at UCLA who hopes to pursue a career in broadcast journalism. In her free time, she loves to spend the day inside watching Netflix, spending time with friends and exploring the Los Angeles area.
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