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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Each quarter, every student goes through the same struggle of registering for classes. This task involves so many big decisions that it’s always one big whirlwind of emotion. As we prepare to enroll for classes, these 9 stages are inevitable.

1. Shock

The notification that our first-pass enrollment is active comes while we are still being held captive by midterms and next quarter just seems so far away. How can it already be time to start planning for classes?


2. Procrastination

But since our first pass is so far away, we still have so much time! Might as well do some midterm studying (more like Netflix-binging) in the meantime.


3. Realization

Wait, my first pass is actually only 2 days away?


4. Confusion

What do you mean I have to take this, this AND that just to declare my major?


5. Exploring

The tabs start building up on my computer. With the Degree Audit Report, MyUCLA Class Planner, Bruinwalk and so many other sites pulled up on your screen, we are surrounded by lists and decisions and differing opinions.


6. Overwhelmed

Okay, we finally got our class plan down, but now we have to come up with 32 alternates just to make sure our classes don’t overlap.


7. Counseling

Some battles cannot be won on your own! Simply join that long line in Murphy Hall to meet with a counselor to get everything all sorted out.


8. Content

Whew, now we’ve got a final list of classes set on the Class Planner, just waiting to be enrolled. We can finally relax!


9. Excitement

With all the hard work of registering done, we can revel in the excitement of a new quarter!


Registering for classes can feel like a hard-fought battle, but it is so exciting to see the next few months laid out before you. New quarter, new beginnings!

Photos courtesy of Giphy & Pexels

Kalysa was the 2020-21 Editor in Chief and Campus Correspondent for the UCLA chapter of Her Campus. She was also previously a Senior Editor and Feature Writer for the chapter. On the rare occasion she's not busy studying for school or writing for Her Campus, you'll probably find her indulging in tiramisu or reading (and re-reading) her favorite novels. 
Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.