With just a few weeks left in this season of “The Bachelor,” we are approaching some of the season’s best episodes, like the Fantasy Suites and the Finale. If you’re planning on hosting a viewing party at your place, you can make a five-by-five template and create your own “Bachelor” themed bingo game by filling in the boxes with different events that will most likely take place within the episode. We’ve brainstormed a few ideas to get you started!
1. Corinne takes a nap
2. Nick says “I can definitely see a future with (insert any woman’s name)”
3. Someone has a breakdown
4. Raven finally tells Nick “I love you”
5. The women talk about Nick while sitting on a couch
6. Nick sends a woman home before the rose ceremony
7. Someone from the past comes back to haunt Nick
8. Nick has his shirt off for an unnecessary reason
9. Nick cries
10. Chris Harrison gives Nick advice
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