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Best Gag Gift Ideas for a Hilarious April Fools’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m literally the most gullible person on Earth, April Fools’ or not. I’ve been pranked by my friends and family for literal years, some of the pranks cheesy and some so elaborate that I wonder why anybody bothered with the effort. Anyways, here are a few ideas I’ve gathered throughout the years that (may or may not have) scared my socks off, and in general are pretty good for a memorable April Fools’:

Something unexpected at school or work
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I think one of the best pranks ever done on me was actually by my teachers! I had this super emotionless math teacher in high school that pranked us with a pop quiz on April Fools’ of all days! I don’t know how telling it is about my high school that every kid was convinced this was real, but talk about emotional damage to a bunch of 10th graders. I generally think workplaces and schools are underrated places to do a (hopefully harmless) prank that no one expects.

Mom, sorry I (broke) your camera

Be careful with this one, because if your parents are anything like mine, a harmless prank could potentially go kind of sideways. Did I waste a whole afternoon trying to replicate a broken camera to look as realistic as possible? Did mom forget it was April Fools’ and almost burn the house down? Perhaps. Either way, it made for a memorable experience!

Half in half out

When I was like 6 years old, my mom used to joke about how I’d forget half of everything, from having half mismatched socks to finishing things halfway and never going back. So one fine April Fools’ morning, I decided to make this my reality. I literally tried my very best to do things halfway, from half my makeup and hair for school to wearing half a pair of shoes. It took people a while to figure this one out, but once it did they (usually) humored me for the day. Kind of cheesy in hindsight, but it was pretty funny for a kindergartener.

I’m really not the brightest when it comes to April Fools’, but I think a subtle prank delivered well can totally make my day. I’m excited to see how UCLA kids honor the spirit of the tradition this year. Hopefully, we all get a good laugh out of any pranks we experience and remember it for next year!

Somashree is a 3rd year Economics major minoring in Environmental Systems and Society and Digital Humanities. She's a huge cinephile with a special affinity for historical dramas (eg. The Crown or Bridgerton). She also loves learning languages and hopes to learn at least 4 languages by the end of the decade.