Meet Shezaf Reif, a third-year Global Studies major who divides her time all across the UCLA campus. Between helping to find new members of her pre-law fraternity Kappa Alpha Pi, captaining her mock trial team, and serving the community through JusticeCorps, Shezaf sat down with HerCampus and answered some of our questions.
What made you decide to come to UCLA?
In my sophomore year of high school, I got to participate in a law institute that was based at UCLA. It was the first college that I experienced, and I loved Los Angeles. Over the next few years, I refocused a bit, and wasn’t really thinking too much about UCLA when I applied. However, once I got my acceptance, I realized that it was where I was meant to be – on graduation day, I got a letter from my sixth-grade self. In the letter, I had given myself all kinds of advice. In addition, I’d written at the very end “and I want to go to UCLA.”
What is your best Bruin memory?
That’s tough – the moment that I was proudest to be a Bruin was the U$C game last year. I remember that it was pouring rain, and we were all exhausted – we’d stayed up really late the night before. But even though the conditions were such a nightmare, it was so worth it to beat them.
What is your favorite place on campus?
Probably standing on top of Janss Steps. I love looking down over the beautiful campus!
Which one of your activities demands the most out of you?
I’d have to say it varies. Right now, mock trial is definitely the most time and energy-consuming thing that I do, because it’s in the main competitive season. However, in the spring, it’ll be KAPi (pre-law fraternity)
What is the most rewarding thing about JusticeCorps?
When people come to you with such personal problems – they trust that you will help them, and when you can help them to finish whatever it is that they’re working on. Seeing the stress leave them, and helping them take their power back is wonderful.
What is your biggest goal for Kappa Alpha Pi?
I want to make an impact that is larger than my presence, to leave something behind that every single member will be able to have. As Vice President of Recruitment, I think I have that ability. I can change little traditions and make ongoing impacts that will be felt long after I graduate.
What are your plans for the future?
When I’m done with school, I want to take a year off. I’ll either work or do a fellowship program, either here or somewhere abroad. After that, I want to head to law school. It’s my dream to go to Harvard.
Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite Musical Artist: Beyoncé
Favorite Food:Â Popcorn
Favorite Book: It’s not really a favorite, but The Catcher in the Rye made a huge impact on me.
Be Anyone For a Day:Â Princess Kate – she’s flawless!