Earlier this week, it was announced that Amal Clooney, a human rights lawyer, is expecting with husband George Clooney, a renowned actor who starred in the “Ocean’s” series. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, it is also reported that the couple are expecting twins, set to be born sometime in the summer. Although George Clooney has not publically commented on Amal’s pregnancy, his longtime friend, former “Ocean’s” co-star Matt Damon, expressed his joy for the family, saying he could not be any more excited for their future.
So how did George Clooney break the news to Matt Damon? “I was working with him last fall and he pulled me aside on set and I mean, I almost started crying. I was so happy for him,” said Damon. As for their parenting skills, Damon added, “They’re gonna be great. They’re gonna be awesome parents. Those kids are lucky.”
They had tried to have a baby for a while now and when it wasn’t happening, the couple sought out a fertility doctor and pursued their dreams via in vitro fertilization (IVF). For those who are not familiar with the concept, IVF is when the egg and sperm are fertilized in a test tube, after which the embryo is transferred to the uterus. According to a source, Amal is afraid of needles so her biggest fear was getting hormone injections. However, another source reported that the couple is expecting a girl and a boy, so this will definitely be worth the risks in the near future.
It’s great to see the Clooney clan celebrate this wonderful milestone with their loved ones and we are certainly wishing them all the best!