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Glitter Bomb Dot Com

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Image Source: http://31.media.tumblr.com/de9e55e2d870fe4b5287233ef07669c3/tumblr_mr12l…

Got glitter? The business ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com recently took the Internet by (glitter) storm, offering a service that sent anonymous envelopes of glitter to customers’ enemies. The site instantly became so popular that its creator had to sell the company after becoming overwhelmed with orders.

Inspired by the idea, UCLA Anderson School of Management student Ben Follansbee and his girlfriend Ellyn Gray recently launched SparkleSlap.com, their own version of a “revenge glitter” business. (Bruins always find a way to sparkle, don’t they?) What are these glitter bombs, or Sparkle Slaps, exactly? They are simply cards filled with glitter, placed inside an envelope, and they can be sent anywhere in the nation. When the victim opens the card, glitter explodes everywhere, causing an irksome mess that is nearly impossible to fully clean up.

Customers have the option to add a personalized message inside the envelope or to send it completely anonymously, and the Sparkle Slaps can also be ordered in bulk. Fun for everyone! Follansbee fills the orders himself right from his own home, and he hopes that customers will eventually use the service more often to send Sparkle Slaps to their friends rather than to their enemies. In the future, he may expand the business by creating new types of glitter products to send out and offering different options for the glitter bombs, such as offering envelopes with a customized amount of glitter. Sparkle Slap even had a recent promotion where consumers could order a discounted glitter bomb that consisted of a red envelope and red card in honor of Valentine’s Day. Sounds like the perfect way to brighten up someone’s day!

It’s open to debate whether sending a Sparkle Slap is an evil or good-hearted prank. On the one hand, glitter is exciting and glamorous, but on the other hand, it can be infuriating and tedious to clean, if it’s even possible to completely clean it all up. This clever irony of the Sparkle Slap may be what makes it the perfect prank for anyone, whether it’s your best friend or your nemesis. If you need some glitter, you know where to go!

For more information about Sparkle Slap or to send a glitter bomb to someone you know, visit http://www.sparkleslap.com. 

Image Source: http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s306x306/e15…


Christina is a second-year Psychology major. She loves Netflix, chocolate, and exploring new places.
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