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Here Is The Ultimate Secret To Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions For Good

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

It is officially January, and you know what that means — packed gyms, cold weather, and the oh-so-dreaded list of New Year’s resolutions. But what if I told you that you don’t have to dread the day you gave up on your new year commitments? As a person myself who has routinely failed to maintain my New Year’s resolutions in the past, I know what it’s like to find yourself stuck in the same place as last year. But now, as a reformed resolution-maker, I absolutely love setting new goals for my upcoming year. And you will too! All you need to do is keep one thing in mind: your “new year” can start any day, any time. Who says that you have to immediately change your entire lifestyle the second the clock strikes twelve on January 1st? Not me, that’s for sure. If you want to sincerely implement a lifestyle change, no time is too soon. You don’t have to wait until a certain benchmark in time to do so. Whether that’s in late October, mid-August or even a week into January, you should always be setting lifestyle goals and attempting to raise the bar for yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that it is much easier said than done. So, here are some additional tips for holding yourself accountable this January.

Don’t Be Afraid to make big goals

Let’s ditch the generic resolutions and dream big! Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with lofty goals. Help yourself accomplish big things by making mini-goals on your way to get there. Breaking down goals into bite-sized victories is the name of the game. Want to boost your general positivity and happiness? Break it down into steps like self-love routines, dancing like nobody’s watching, or trying out a new hobby. Not only will accomplishing these smaller resolutions allow you to celebrate your personal growth, but they also can help to measure the progress you’re making on your larger aspirations.

Time is on Your Side, I promise

Life can be super busy, especially on the quarter system. Make sure to craft a timeline that fits your emotional and physical bandwidth. Juggling school, work, and friends is already a huge commitment. Set milestones and flex those time-management muscles, but make sure to know when enough is enough. It’s okay to reel back some of your goals for the sake of your sanity. Your mental and physical health should remain the priority at all times, period. Your goals can always be accomplished at another time.

Always celebrate the little things

Every little win is a reason to celebrate, so why not take advantage? Rewards, self-love rituals, and anything that sparks joy— it’s all fair game. Because every step forward deserves a little dance party. But, remember, life throws curveballs and there are going to be obstacles. So, why not take it as a sign to work on your flexibility? Remind yourself to embrace change, learn from challenges, and then sit back and watch how they make you even more unstoppable. Having a “when one door closes, another opens” mindset will have you waking up on the right side of the bed, ready to crush those New Year’s resolutions with a smile on your face.

These were my secrets to keeping a New Year’s resolution! Make sure to have some fun along the way and trust yourself. Happy New Year’s, everyone!

Autumn Morgan is a third-year Film & Television major at UCLA who grew up in the San Fernando Valley. She thoroughly enjoys being overdressed and reading women’s divorce fiction. In her free time, you can find her laying by a river eating fruit.