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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Pros & Cons of Living With Your Boyfriend While In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

College is a time to grow, to learn more about yourself and to develop meaningful relationships. For some, this may mean getting into a serious relationship. During your first serious relationship, it is natural to want to spend all your time together, and you might spend lots of time traveling back and forth from their place to yours. But what if you did not have to? Living with your significant other is a big step in any relationship, no matter how old you are. My boyfriend of almost one year asked me to move in with him at the beginning of the year. Although we lived together during the summer, I was not sure if I was ready to take this step. Here are some pros and cons that I weighed when making the decision of whether or not to live with my significant other in college:

One pro is that you get to be with your best friend all the time. While I lived with my boyfriend over the summer, it was nice to be able to spend time with him and do so many things together. You will always have someone to talk to. Another pro is that you no longer have to commute to see your significant other. It is so much easier to come home and know your partner will be coming home to the same place. Also, you will both be saving money on rent. Each person can split the rent in half, meaning you do not have to pay that much altogether. Lastly, another pro is that you and your partner will become a lot closer. Living with my boyfriend allowed me to learn more about him and what he does on an everyday basis. We became closer and more comfortable around each other.

Although there are many benefits to living with your boyfriend, there are some cons as well. One con is that you will have less time to spend with your friends. Because you are always with your significant other, it can be hard to make more time to see your friends without him being around. Another con is growing up too fast and not enjoying the full college experience. Part of the fun of college is living on campus and being able to live alone for the first time. It could be a lot to pay rent, clean and live with your significant other. Some could say it is like “playing house” at such a young age. You will also have less personal space for yourself.

It could be a struggle to live with your boyfriend during college, but it could also be beneficial to you and your relationship. Everyone grows up at their own time, so it is ultimately up to you to decide whether or not you are ready for such a big commitment. 

Caitlyn studied at UCLA where she majored in English and minored in film. She loves writing about all things lifestyle and entertainment related. When she is not writing articles, she loves going to hot yoga, reading, and binge-watching One Tree Hill for the hundredth time!