Last Sunday Her Campus had the pleasure of joining in on a SoulCycle class in the ever-so fancy Brentwood neighborhood and let me tell you, it was awesome! SoulCycle is a New York City-based workout company that offers spinning classes. What sets SoulCylce apart from other spin classes is the ambiance and personality of the workout studios. The workout studios are dimly lit with scented candles that create the perfect relaxation environment for warmups and cooldowns. However, when the workout actually begins is where the fun begins too. The loud pop music and flashing lights created the feeling like you were at the club on a Thursday night. This is one of the key features of soul cycle—they make exercising fun and make it seem like it’s less of a chore and more a social experience. It helped that I was with my other friends from Her Campus, but I could definitely see myself going to one of these classes on my own. Because the classroom is dark, you don’t have that constant feeling like someone is watching you as you profusely sweat or miss steps to the cycling routine.
Our instructor, Devin, was such a sweetheart. He pushed as all to our limits and at the end of it all we had completed a top-notch workout that left us feeling rushed with endorphins. The endorphin kick was such a blessing, especially considering that it was Sunday afternoon and I was already feeling a little bummed out about having to start the school week. One of the girls from the marketing team of Her Campus said “now I know why they call it soul cycle, because the instructor really makes you feel in touch with your mind and body.”
After the workout, I must admit I was sore all day the next day. But it was the god kind of sore. The kind of sore you feel proud of yourself because you know you gave it your all during the workout.
Go ahead and grab your soul sisters and head over to SoulCylce to experience one of the best workouts of your life. SoulCycle left me feeling refreshed and alert. 10/10 would highly recommend.