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Things That Send Southern Californians Into A Coma: Rain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

As someone who grew up with seasons, rain isn’t really an event most of the time. Sure, it’s kind of miserable and you may have to adjust your plans, but life goes on normally. The same logic definitely does not apply in L.A. To name just a few, here are some of my funniest and randomest observations about Southern Californians and rain:

Stores Closing????

And I don’t mean because they’re flooded or anything. I was working on Saturday and someone legitimately called in to ask if our hours were still the same because of the rain. I thought it was satire — it was not.

Umbrellas Galore

I guess I understand buying an umbrella for $10 over a rain jacket for more money, but everyone has an umbrella, and I feel like it’s slightly awkward to walk with another person and both be using an umbrella. Just use one?? Maybe this is niche, but the umbrellas always bump into each other, and I feel like it’s a mark of a true friendship if you share an umbrella. 

Not Going Outside

I have adopted this one and yes, I’m making fun of it, but I don’t care. Don’t want to go because it’s raining? Totally fine, no problem. I love it, it’s so lax. I didn’t want to go outside either. 

Main Topic of Conversation

If it’s raining, expect the weather to take up 90%+ of your conversations that day. The radio is on at work and people are calling in to talk about the rain. That’s the entire break — just schmoozing about how much it’s raining and when it will stop raining and how long it’s been raining. Please move on.

As the planet continues to warm, total precipitation is expected to increase in California. Let’s hope we can develop some more nuance in our conversations so I don’t have to hear Tom, Dick and Harry call 100.3 to chat about the inclement weather for my entire shift (that we stay open for, even if it’s raining!).

Leila is from New York City and is a second-year Statistics major at UCLA. When she's not looking for article ideas for HC UCLA, she can be found at the beach with a book or finding fun places around LA!