As we all know, COVID-19 is something that has affected our entire population. Ranging from the youth, students, church ministries, healthcare providers, athletes and the elderly, these are just a few of the many whose worlds have been shaken. With lives being lost and close family and friends being affected, we have grounds to be concerned during this time. Yet we also have grounds to be greatly appreciative of the “everyday things” we have taken for granted. For me at least, mine was my attitude towards going to class.
Let’s start off with the walk. That “dreadful” walk that entails first dodging that man that always seems to want to ask you a question, then the flyers on Bruinwalk pestering you with papers, and then shortly later approaching the stairs that easily catch you out of breath. You definitely know what I’m talking about (unless you’re that one kid who takes the elevator inside the Bruin Store). Now looking back, I wish I could be walking up the UCLA campus stairs to get to class right now. I miss seeing the beauty of our campus each day. I never thought that I would say it: I miss walking up the hills to class. I am genuinely excited for the time where I can make that walk up again with appreciation.
Second, I miss my fellow Bruin friends. We all have those moments where we just want to put our headphones in, dodge people you know and just go straight to class. Although I hope that after our world overcomes the virus, we have a changed attitude towards engaging with others on our walk to class. Conversing with students and friends over Zoom or Facetime will just never be the same as speaking face to face. I know that next time I see someone I know, I will do a better job of saying “Hi” and engaging in conversation. This time of self-isolation had led me to realize that human conversation is a gift and is truly not treasured enough. Along with that, I will be thrilled to be back with my friends again. The hangouts, adventuring, late nights and study sessions are going to be that more memorable and cherished when we are all reunited again.
Third, I miss the tradition of sitting in a classroom and learning. Along with the walks and communication with others, I am really looking forward to being in a classroom again. That is one thing I definitely had taken for granted. At UCLA I had really gained an appreciation for my professors and classmates, and I underestimated how highly I valued a classroom setting. It is interesting to think that before the virus, I would actually look on my Class Planner to see if there were any courses that were being offered online so I could have a more free schedule. I had never thought I would be feeling nostalgic for a classroom during my third year of college.
Last, I am really looking forward to being in Los Angeles. Our school is in the perfect location for internships, amazing opportunities and adventures throughout the city. A lot of other universities don’t have nearly as much going on around them as we do. I appreciate and admire what LA has to offer, and I am so lucky being able to call it my “home” during my college years.
With next year being my last year at UCLA, I have a newfound appreciation for my school. It is more than just “the name” of being able to call UCLA my university, but the community, environment and education that are a part of it. I’m not sure when I will see you next, UCLA, but what I am sure of is that I cannot wait to make more memories with you.