This summer I lived with my roommate that is gluten free and I had no idea how big of a struggle it was. Here are just ten of the many struggles that some people who are gluten free have to deal with.
1. Your groceries end up being at least double the price of your housemates’ groceries but you get only half of what they get.
2. You can’t lick your envelopes when you want to mail something because gluten might be in the glue.
3. You can’t casually walk into a drug store and buy drugstore makeup dupes for that NARS lipstick you wanted because there is probably gluten in those makeup products.
5. You can’t have regular bread.
6. Potatoes become your friends.
7. You can’t even kiss your crush unless they’ve brushed their teeth a couple of times.
8. You just watch everyone else enjoy normal food.
9. Trader Joes gluten free pancakes become your best friend.
10. You probably have a speech memorized to explain what being gluten free means because you’ve explained it so many times already.
But at least, you know you can get coffee!