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10 Things To Do In Isla Vista Before You Turn 20

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

A few days ago, the realization that I would be turning 20 in a few months hit me like the enormous waves that hit Sands Beach after a windstorm. But rather than letting the inevitable existential crisis of entering a new decade intimidate me, I took the opportunity to reflect on my accomplishments over the past few years. What were some of the most incredible and meaningful things I’d done since coming to UCSB? Below, I’ve compiled some of my favorite activities that I’ve done in Isla Vista and that I think all Gauchos should do within their first couple years of living here.

1. Picnic at the bluffs with your friends

The cliffs above Devereux Beach are an extremely picturesque place to hold a picnic with your friends. Just bring a beach blanket, some picnic snacks like sandwiches or charcuterie, and set up camp along the bluffs! The cliffs are especially beautiful (and crowded!) at sunset, but the area is perfect for any day at any time. 

2. Attend a UCSB Soccer game

One of UCSB’s most popular and exciting varsity sports is soccer — if you can snag a spot in the student section during a home game, you’re sure to have a great time! In fact, crowds at UCSB soccer games are known to get so rowdy that students throw tortillas onto the field to rile up their team. Soccer games typically run from August to November, making them a great way to kick off the school year.

3. Visit the Butterfly Grove

The Goleta Butterfly Grove is located just West of Isla Vista, on the Ellwood Mesa, and is home to thousands of monarch butterflies each year as they migrate for the winter. No entry fee or tour guide is required—simply bring sturdy shoes and binoculars, and take one of the main trails through the grove. According to the city of Goleta, the optimal time to visit the grove is from October to February of each year.

Luckily, the butterfly grove is also located right next to Ellwood Beach, so the walking trails around the area also offer incredible views of the Pacific Ocean and the Catalina Islands. Even if you don’t catch sight of any butterflies, the ocean vistas will inspire you.

4. Throw a Themed Get-Together with friends

Hanging out with friends is always fun, but add another layer of fun and excitement by choosing a unique theme for your get-together! Tell your friends to coordinate outfits, plan certain games or activities, and of course, take lots of photos. Check out Seventeen’s list of ideas for party themes to give yourself some inspiration.

5. Take a Sunset Swim

Ocean swimming is not for the faint of heart—the water can be frigid and you will likely encounter seaweed or kelp as you float along—but in my opinion, all swimmers should try it at least once. One of the best ways to decompress after class is to take a nice long swim around sunset to soak up the beauty of the nature around Isla Vista. However, it’s important to stay safe while in the water. Pay attention to the changing tides, the amount of daylight remaining, and other factors that could quickly derail your journey. Do your research before heading out!

6. Study on the 8th Floor of the Library

Whether you’re studying for a big exam or just skimming your next reading, the 8th floor of the UCSB library is one of the best places to be. Not only is it a “quiet floor” according to library workers, but it offers amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains. Schoolwork seems a lot more doable when you look out the window and enjoy gorgeous views.

7. Have a Group Photoshoot at Henley Gate

In my opinion, one of the best things you can do for your future self is to take lots of photos to look back on later. Although it’s a popular backdrop for graduation photos, Henley Gate is a perfect place to take photos at any time here at UCSB. The iconic gate is arguably the most scenic spot on UCSB’s campus, making it an obvious choice for your next group photoshoot.

8. Sunrise Meditation on the Beach

I used to not believe in the significance of waking up early to experience the sunrise until a few weeks ago when I did so for the first time at one of Isla Vista’s beaches. Bring some music, a quick breakfast, or just a blanket to sit on, and enjoy a peaceful hour by yourself or with a friend.

9. Attend a Backyard Concert

Isla Vista has a fairly active music scene, with local bands playing small backyard concerts on most weekends. Some recognizable band names include Lot 22, Field Daze, and Dead Set. To see when and where your favorite local bands are playing, check out @soundsofiv on Instagram. 

What makes these concerts so special is the sense of community fostered there. The small backyard setting adds a certain level of intimacy and closeness, not only with the band, but with your fellow UCSB students. If you haven’t gone to one yet, take the time to go soon!

10. See a Movie at the IV Theater

Before it was purchased by UCSB and turned into a part-time lecture hall, the Isla Vista Theater was a popular movie theater and actually the center of controversy following an incident in 1967. Fortunately, in 2004 a group known as Magic Lantern Films began hosting weekly film showings for members of the Isla Vista community. Magic Lantern Films is still active today and present free movie showings on Monday and Friday nights for UCSB students.

I hope now that you have some inspiration for activities to try here in Isla Vista! Although it’s a small community, there are so many things to be discovered here. Looking forward, I’m excited to see what other activities I’ll find in my early twenties.

Kendall is a third-year Communication student at UCSB and an editorial intern for Her Campus UCSB. When she isn’t writing, she’s usually either doing yoga, getting coffee, or planning her future travels.