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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

One way to open the mind is through the ears. Podcasts are a great way of learning new information and are also an enjoyable source of entertainment. Increasing in popularity, it feels like new podcasts are popping up every day. Comedians, actors, influencers, and even people of the general public are all hopping on the podcast train. 

Women have been dominated by men in the podcast realm, but recently women have been able to create more fun content for women, whether it is to empower, inspire, or simply relate to one another. These women-led podcasts are a great way to tickle the brain and keep your eyes from straining! Here are six of my favorites that I have been listening to:

  1. True Crime: Murder, Mystery, and Makeup

If you are looking for something creepy and enthralling, I highly recommend the lovely Bailey Sarian. Her podcast, Murder, Mystery, and Makeup is perfect to zone out to. Dropping every Monday, her podcast gives explanatory background information on family, friends, and the local community to paint a picture of the setting for the wicked story ahead. 

Though some of her stories may seem fabricated, she researches each true crime case to tell the most accurate and detailed story to her listeners. With stories only being about 45 minutes long, you can easily binge episodes to find out chilling information on cannibals, stalkers, Satanists, deadly love affairs, and so much more! 

  1. Self-Help: Note to Self

Note to Self, a Dear Media production, is a fantastic women’s self-help guide. Whether it be advice for your relationships, appearance, anxiety, exercise, motivation, or even social media, host Peyton Sartain has endless wisdom for it all. Sartian brings in special guests to help discuss and bring in different perspectives on the podcast’s specific theme. 

With her sense of humor, she explains personal experiences and gives advice as to how to approach situations like hers and situations that are similar. She is willing to admit where she has gone wrong and is brutally honest with herself, so I recommend this if you are ever in need of some self-help advice. The only criticism I have for this podcast is that sometimes some of her topics can seem a bit shallow, but that should not turn you away!

  1. Humor: Call Her Daddy

We all know the infamous podcast, Call Her Daddy. Yes, I am recommending this to you all! This R-rated podcast has actually made me chuckle out loud. Though it is humorous, podcaster Alex Cooper has useful information on self-help too. 

She mainly discusses topics like sex life, relationships, and awkward real-life experiences she has had to endure. Her raunchy content is surprisingly relatable, making it that much more enjoyable to listen to. With the podcast rapidly increasing in popularity, the show now brings in special celebrity guests, keeping you updated with influencers and their situations. Who doesn’t love a good pop-culture gossip session? If you are interested in drama and in need of a good laugh, I highly recommend this one.

  1. Entrepreneurial:, Hashtag Authentic  

For all of my entrepreneurial girlies out there, I recommend the podcast show Hashtag Authentic with host Sara Tasker, a certified coach specializing in creative business and the digital realm. She is an educator from England who discusses topics and issues with the world market, economy, human creativity, financial advice, social media, a dash of politics, “behind the scenes” of business people, and the idea that “not doing” is your biggest mistake. 

Tasker is very personable and tries her best to respond to DMs and Twitter messages from her listeners to give them advice for their specific predicaments. As well as discussing world topics, she delves into the fear of failure and how to combat that. She also interviews fascinating people such as professional traveler Lisa Francesca Nand, businesswoman and PR specialist Susan Mar, and journalist Natalie Morris. I definitely recommend this to girls interested in educating themselves on the business world. 

  1. Health and Wellness:, Take the Cake

This is for you all who are interested in mindfulness. Take the Cake, hosted by Kate Noel, highlights how to handle your emotions, peaceful sleeping, healthy eating, and all-around happy and mindful lifestyle decisions. If you are someone who is learning better eating habits, dealing with stress or anxiety, or just trying out a new lifestyle, Kate Noel’s podcast is the way to go. 

Each episode gives a few tips and tricks and then goes in-depth with each one of them to ensure her audience grasps the specific lesson. She helps her listeners feel comfortable in their skin, and she has one of the most relaxing voices I have ever heard. Take the Cake is a great podcast to listen to in your free time to elevate your life.  

  1. Science:, Talk Nerdy 

I could never forget about my women in STEM, so I did a bit of digging and found a podcast called Talk Nerdy. Cara Santa Maria, a science communicator, hosts her own podcast about different science topics. She brings on scientists, biologists, chemists, and other science communicators to discuss research projects, scientific readings, and other findings. Topics include animal and human behavior, environmental science, psychology, engineering, technology, paleontology and so much more! 

This podcast ensures that all are welcome to listen (not just those who are adept in science) because Santa Maria and her guests discuss their topics from beginning to end, making their daunting subjects easy to understand. This podcast is very interesting and helps listeners learn new facts about the growing world.  

Grow your mind and self by listening to some of these! Women are here to help women, so use these resources to your advantage. Whether you are having a bad day and need some inspiration, stressed about school, bored and have nothing to do, or a multitasker and need constant stimulation, help support and check out these women-led podcasts. I promise you will not be disappointed!

Hey, my name is Grace and I am a Communications major here at UCSB. I love to go on long walks and hikes, listening to music, and hanging out with my friends!