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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

As we near the end of college decisions coming out, more incoming freshmen (welcome new Gauchos) are beginning to think about their dorm situations for next year and starting to look for their potential roommates. The roommate selection process can be very tedious if you don’t choose to go random, but really the process begins with some internal reflection. Before even trying to find someone on those UCSB 2028 Instagram pages, take the time to think about whether or not you would make a decent roommate. As someone who has had to deal with a difficult roommate, I’ve put a short list together of things you should reflect on and that would make you a decent roommate.

Wear headphones

One of the most basic things you can do to be a decent roommate is to wear headphones when you’re taking a call in the room. It’s not that hard and your roommate would appreciate it very much if they didn’t have to hear the other end of your call. Really, the best thing you could do would be to step outside and take the call. However, that would make you a good roommate, not just a decent roommate and that might just be too much for some people.

Leave the room

Living in a small shared space means that you will have very little privacy, especially in a triple which are the majority of freshman dorms at UCSB. Leaving the room every once in a while so your roommate can enjoy time alone can seriously do wonders for your relationship. This doesn’t just mean leaving to go to class. Go on walks, go to the dining hall, join a club, go to the beach — UCSB is filled with beautiful nature and it would be a shame if you never got to see it because you were always in your room.

Let your roommate know when guests are staying over

Again, this one seems like common courtesy but it is shocking the amount of people who still don’t do it. It’s normal to want to have friends visit and spend the night, but let your roommate know beforehand! Remember that you’re living in a shared space and you don’t want them to walk into the dorm to a stranger they don’t know staying the night, trust me. A simple text would suffice, just let them know.

Ask before you borrow

One of the convenient things about living with roommates is that you guys can share things, but you should always ask before you borrow something of theirs. Some things are established as communal, like the coffee pot but for things that are a little more personal, say makeup, make sure to ask before you just take it. Remember that you are not entitled to your roommate’s things just because you live together.

Know how to communicate

You don’t have to be the best communicator, but being open to having conversations with your roommate about issues that will arise is so important. It makes for a more harmonious environment if you openly communicate what is bothering you and let them tell you what’s bothering them. Not getting offended by a simple request your roommate might make is key. If you don’t think you would be willing to change anything about the way you live, then you might want to rethink having roommates.

If you know that you wouldn’t be able to do something on this list, you might want to look into a single dorm or limit yourself to one roommate. Seriously, your freshman year will be an adjustment and making sure you can coexist with roommates is so crucial to making the most out of the year. After all, you will be living with this person or people for an entire year, so you don’t want any bad blood with them. 

Hello! I'm Kendra and I'm a second-year student at UCSB! Originally for Los Angeles, I love journalism and enjoy writing about various topics including pop culture and entertainment - especially Taylor Swift! In my free time, I love updating Spotify playlists, pretending to study at coffee shops, and spamming my Instagram close friends story!