1. Your Ex—It’s time to be done. I know you swore him or her off long ago, but you probably didn’t stick to that plan. All it takes is that one Snapchat story or Facebook picture to make you think, “I wonder how so and so is doing.” Put the phone down and go get a cookie instead. 2015 needs to be their final resting place. Bye Felicia.
2. Your toxic friendships—with the ever increasing list of things that are proven to kill you, now tragically including bacon and oversleeping, you don’t need to be adding another stressor. If your friends don’t make you feel like the warlock rock star with tiger blood that you are then you need to call it.
3. Self-doubt—Realistically, this is not something that you are going to leave in 2015, but carry with you for the rest of your lives. However, this is supposed to be an inspiring article so let’s over look that detail. Don’t get in your own way in 2016 and magical things are destined to happen.
4. Grudges—people make mistakes, you have made mistakes. It happens. Forgive the poor unfortunate soul who crossed you and move on. This doesn’t mean that you have to welcome this person back into your life with open arms, just make peace with it.
5. Expectations of who you should be and what you should think—I really don’t feel like this one needs an explanation. Whether it’s 2016 or 2116, this life strategy will never be successful.
6. Anything you feel you do in excess—Too much of anything is a bad thing, even bacon because apparently it will shorten your life. Everyone has their vices and it’s better to try and tame them while you’re young. The time is now.
7. Comparing yourself to other people—This is also one that more than likely isn’t going to go away, but 2016 can be the year you make a conscious effort not to let the b*stards get you down. If you are truly busy living your own life then none of that other nonsense should matter. Social media isn’t real so you should spend more time in the real world. You’ve got this.