Transferring to a university is a huge adjustment. Coming into a school two years late is terrifying and can feel a bit unfair. Here are a nine tips for UCSB transfers straight from a UCSB transfer student herself.
1. Don’t be afriad to go to UCSB’s events for transfer students.
One of the top concerns for transfers is that they won’t make any friends. Everyone knows that students create friendships their freshman year that last their entire college career. Transfers miss out on the dorm experience and we don’t have our three best friends by our side that we met on our floor freshman year. But UCSB makes an effort to ensure that transfers have plenty of opportunities to mingle with other transfers. So look out for these events and don’t be afraid to attend! Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation anytime, anyplace. You’ll be bonding over Netflix and hometowns in no time!
2. Join a club!
There are a billion things to do, whether it’s on campus or off. I strongly recommend that transfers join a club or attend special events. Not only is it a great way to make friends, but it’s also likely that you’ll find a new hobby to love!
3. Beware of the quarter system.
Most community colleges are on the semester system, so changing to the quarter system can be quite a shock. It moves fast, and there’s no time to get behind in your classes. It might be a good idea to start your first quarter with a lighter load of classes until you adjust. The good thing about the quarter system is that you get to take more cool classes and you’re not stuck in one too long in one you don’t like.
4. Remember to balance school and leisure.
There are going to be an unlimited amount of things to do here at UCSB. It’s hard to remember that we are here to study. There’s something going on just about every day and it’s important to make sure that you are balancing your studies with extracurriculars and leisure time.
With all of these opportunities for action, sometimes it can be hard to remember to sleep. While adjusting to a new lifestyle, it’s important to keep on getting enough zzz’s! There are tons of germs around college campuses, and making sure you get enough sleep can help prevent getting sick. I recommend earplugs for those loud nights!
6. Find your perfect roomie online!
Living with roommates for the first time can be terrifying. There is often a Facebook page where students can post about themselves and search for other roomies! Try finding one online that looks like it will be a good match. It’s more likely you’ll get along!
7. Remember that feeling homesick is normal.
For many transfers, this may be the first time away from home. You might get a little homesick sometimes, but just remember your family is just a phone call away. Also, you are not the only one feeling this way, so talk to some of your fellow transfers. Don’t feel ashamed to cry together and watch a movie with some ice cream. You’ll feel right at home at UCSB in no time!
8. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
When I first got to UCSB, I didn’t know what a reader was. I was two weeks into the class when I realized I didn’t have a book that everyone else did. Moral of the story is don’t be afraid to ask what you don’t understand! And FYI — readers are books that the teachers create for students to purchase at one of three places near or on campus.
9. Don’t stress!
Don’t stress, it’ll be okay! You’re going to have a blast at UCSB over the next two years, and you’ll create memories that you’ll never forget!