When you go off to college, there is this weird parallel universe that you develop away from the life you once knew back at home. You may recognize this the first time your friends from high school visit you in college. A strange collision of your best friends takes place, two worlds coming together. It is not necessarily a bad thing, just different. And then when you start dating someone in college, this feeling will reoccur. There is no picking you up for your first date, ringing the doorbell for your mother to answer the door, or asking your parents permission to see them on Friday night, or spending prom with them amongst all your friends. In this new college world they exist in, the people who were once so instrumental in your daily life get a phone call a few times a week and now the most important person in your life is your S.O. So if you are feeling anxious about bringing them home for the first time, don’t panic, these feelings are normal.
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There are many layers behind the nerves you may be experiencing, one is first impressions. For your parents, your friends, and for your partner as well, what they will think of your past life before you met each other is important. First thing to remember is that all the people in this situation care about you, and value your happiness. Once they see you joyful, young and in love, they will have an open mind about the person at the source of all this joy. If you have seemingly judgemental parents, then give your S.O. a nice heads up about the personality to be expected from them. I am sure your partner will make an extra effort to get along with them. Do not by any means scare your S.O. with stories of your parents. You do not want to make them more nervous than they already are. Remember, you are hoping for a good relationship between them and your parents. Just a light introduction of what to expect is all that is necessary. As I said, your partner may be feeling some nerves as well. This is good to talk about before hand. Put any concerns out in the open and express your feelings. Open communication can never do harm in a relationship!
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Now onto how to introduce them to your hometown BFFs! First recommendation is to enjoy a group activity, like a night out on the town, bowling, or something that everyone can be involved in. When you reconnect with old friends, you can often get lost in recollection of old memories that may make your S.O. feel left out with nothing to contribute to the conversation. This is okay and even inevitable, but if you are doing a group activity, it gives your friends a chance to interact with your new boo while you might be catching up with another friend. Your significant other is not an accessory to wear on your trip home. They are someone you want your loved ones to get to know! Make an effort to introduce stories about them into your conversation, make sure your friends are getting to know this new person they are most likely very curious about. Once again, these are the people who love you. Tell them about the good memories you two have had together and they will be thrilled simply to see you happy.
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