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Flu Season: What You Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

People are particularly afraid of the flu this year. Why is that? One of the most harmful flu viruses in 10 years, this H3N2 flu thread has already led to 53 pediatric deaths nationwide.  According to the Center for Disease Control, hospitals are receiving as many patients as when the swine flu hit nearly a decade ago. That’s right. It’s serious. 

                                                                                 Image via Reader’s Digest

Flu Symptoms  

The flu can plague people in a multitude of symptoms, including stuffy noses, sore throats, and fatigue. Colds and flus can have similar symptoms, so check the list below to determine whether or not you think you may have a cold or the flu. In either case, if symptoms don’t decrease in severity over the course of several days, please head over to student health or see a medical professional.

                                                                                                       Image via Mutual Healthcare  

What Can I Do?

  1. First of all, get vaccinated. The vaccine reduces your chances of getting the flu by 30%.
  2. Everything we touch is germy. Door handles, bike handles, classroom desks, etc. Take 10 seconds out of your day and wash your hands. Throw some hand sanitizer in your backpack and call it a day. It’ll be worth it when you aren’t miserable in bed for a week with the flu.
  3. Don’t touch your eyes. One of the easiest ways for germs to enter your body is through your eyes. Sounds weird, right? This is because when touching or rubbing your eye, your fingers are compromising the membrane surrounding your eye that is supposed to keep germs out.
  4. Take medicine. Seems simple enough, right? Don’t be afraid to take medicine preventatively, especially homeopathic ones that have fewer side effects than over the counter drugs.
  5. Last but certainly not least, take vitamins. Emergen-C is a great on-the-go energy drink that will provide you with vitamins and boost your immunity to infection.


Take care, Gauchos. Midterms are right around the corner and no one wants to study while feeling like they’re on their deathbed. The flu is a doozy this season, so stay healthy! 

Hi! My name is Paige Farrenkopf and I'm a third year at UCSB. I'm majoring in Sociology and minoring in Professional Writing, and hope to someday go into the mental health field. I'm apart of Delta Gamma, Gaucho Tour Association, Kids in Nutrition, and Health and Wellness here at UCSB. I love writing and am so excited to be a part of Her Campus!
Hi, Collegiettes! I'm Carmen, a Communication major at University of California, Santa Barbara and one of two Campus Correspondents for UCSB. I would love to one day work in either fashion, food, tech, financial services or philanthropy. My dream is to find a job that somehow combines several of those elements. Until I get there, I'll be munching on copious amounts of Trader Joe's dried mango, jamming out to my man, Frank Sinatra, and focusing on creating intriguing content! If you like my writing, talk to me. ;)