In the first few days of the new quarter, it’s pretty easy to make resolutions. It’s also pretty easy to give up on them a week later. Unless you find ways to motivate yourself through these grueling ten weeks, staying in bed is always going to sound a lot more fun than going to class. Here are a few tips on how to stay organized and productive so the quarter doesn’t swallow you whole.
- Utilize an agenda.
I am a huge fan of lists. When I have a lot of assignments to do, I like to have everything laid out in front of me so I don’t forget anything. I always find that writing it all down helps reduce my stress. Once everything is listed, it seems a lot more manageable and crossing things off is extremely gratifying. Starting (and updating) an agenda is a great way to help yourself keep up with classes and not fall behind once the quarter starts to get busy. Bloom Planners have a lot of really cute agendas in multiple different layouts.
- Create a schedule.
This may seem extra but I find it really useful to plan out my days. Before I go to bed, I sit down and write myself an hourly schedule. It mostly just makes me feel like I’m a real adult, but it also makes everything a little less hectic and overwhelming. If you break your time into chunks designated for reading or doing homework for a specific class, it might help you stay more focused and meet deadlines without feeling rushed. I try my best to stick to the plan so I can finish as much as I can. Usually, by the end of the week, I have a lot more free time than I would have had if I had not pushed myself to keep on schedule.
- Take good notes.
Taking neat, organized, comprehensive notes is beneficial in both the short- and long-term. When I take aesthetically pleasing notes, I am much more inclined to pay attention rather than dozing off in classes that aren’t particularly exciting. It also helps when it comes time to study for assessments, which is easier when I know exactly where to look for certain information and it’s not illegible or gibberish. I like to highlight important definitions, examples, and headings for the same reason. Different strategies work for different people, so do whatever’s best for you!
- Organize your study space.
It’s not fun to work at a messy desk. You don’t want to be losing things under piles of loose papers and having nowhere to write because there’s no empty space. Keeping your study space organized is just as important as keeping your notebook organized. Even better, do your work somewhere other than your room so you can have only what you need in front of you and separate school from home. Whatever you do, don’t do homework in your bed! You won’t get much sleep if you associate your comfy blankets with chemistry.
- Sleep!!!
While we’re on the subject, sleep is important! You can’t expect yourself to be able to do all your work well if you haven’t gotten any rest. Instead of falling asleep at your desk or taking multiple naps during the day because you’re so exhausted from staying up late, go to bed when you feel like you need to go to bed. Get yourself in a routine of going to sleep and waking up at relatively the same time every day so you can be well-rested and ready to tackle that to-do list!
- Set goals.
Challenge yourself to do that thing you wish you could do. Give yourself something to work toward that motivates and excites you. Be careful not to stretch yourself too far. Try breaking larger processes into smaller steps so you don’t give yourself too big a task. If you wanted to be able to run a 5k, you wouldn’t immediately sign up for the next race you find. You would start training and slowly build up to that goal. Other examples include improving your grade in a class by having a target grade for upcoming assessments that you continue to increase, or even something deeper like challenging yourself to do one thing you enjoy every day so you feel happier.
- Give yourself a break every once in a while.
When you’re feeling tired and overworked, you’re allowed to cut yourself some slack. Being too hard on yourself is not only going to make you feel awful, but it’ll probably also affect how well you do in school. Take some time to watch a movie, hang out with your friends, go to the beach, or do anything else you enjoy that will help you relax. Being your best self is definitely about working your hardest, but it also means respecting yourself and your limits. You deserve a day off!
- Stay healthy.
Drink water, eat regular, well-balanced meals, and get enough sleep. Being physically healthy definitely helps you feel energized, but all of those things we associate with physical health also have an effect on your mental health. If you’re getting yourself out of bed to eat breakfast that isn’t just a granola bar, exercising often, and sleeping enough, you are without a doubt going to feel productive and all-around better. Having a “good quarter” is about more than just grades. Take care of yourself first and challenge yourself second so you can look back on this quarter and know that you felt and did your best.
You’ll notice that none of these were “don’t procrastinate.” Finding the motivation to be productive is not an easy overnight task. It takes a lot of effort. It’s important to keep in mind that some days will be better than others. No matter what, recognize that you’re trying and don’t be too hard on yourself! You are doing great.