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An Open Letter to the One Who Will Always Have My Heart

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Hey you,

When we met, I had no idea we’d end up where we are today. What started off as a conversation between two complete strangers became an intimate connection bonded by inside jokes. I know the story behind that scar on your forehead and your fear of swimming pools when you were five. We’ve come a long way, you and I.

And can I just say how proud you make me? You’ve become someone I admire in the purest sense of the word. You’ve inspired me to go after what I want because I see you doing the same. Somehow we’ve managed to grow up without growing apart and I think that says a lot about us.

At  times it seems like everything is working against us. Easy doesn’t even come close to describing our relationship, but to me, every hardship was, is and will continue to be worth it. Just so you know, I don’t plan on letting go of you any time soon; I hope you’re okay with that.

Of all the things I can call you, “best friend” is probably my favorite. You’ve taught me to be vulnerable, to laugh uncontrollably and to spread kindness whenever possible. I adore you for this. I don’t think you ever give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are, so I’ll do it for you.

I don’t know where life will take us. I don’t know where we’ll be ten years from now, but I’m hoping you’ll be standing next to me. And if you’re not, you’ll still be one of the best things to have happened to me and I can’t thank you enough for that.

You’ll always have my heart, even if we don’t have each other. 


Naomi is a fourth-year, English major and Multimedia Writing minor at UCSB. She is originally from the LA area, but aspires to someday make it in New York as a web content writer. Cats, green tea and British accents are slight obsessions of hers.
Kristine is a 3rd year Chemistry major at UC Santa Barbara. She was born and raised in San Francisco, CA. When she's not writing, she works with her sister to create adorable baked delicacies for The Royal Icing, their at-home bakery. She's also a ballerina, lipstick enthusiast, and bunny lover. Post-graduation, she plans on going to graduate school while continuing her writing career. Catch her on instagram @CookiesForKay