I’m sure at some point we’ve all imagined living with our best friend. Shows like Gossip Girl and The Hills make it look like a blast – minus all the drama of course. From personal experience, living with my best friend has definitely made for some awesome memories: walking up and down the halls of our freshman dorm wearing matching onesies, for example. Flash forward to our third year and those same onesies are now accompanied by a glass of wine and Netflix. Not to say that we don’t get on each other’s nerves every now and then…
Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking about rooming with your best friend:Â
Pro: Daily sleepovers:
 With this living situation, it’s like you’re sleeping at your best friend’s house. Every. Single. Night. You two can stay up as long as you’d like, put your beds together, etc. You’re basically free to do anything you want without facing the consequences from your parents in the morning.Â
Con: Limited personal space:
On the other hand, being around eachother on a daily basis leaves little room for “me” time. An easy way to combat this is by letting one another know that occasionally you’d like some time to yourself. Â
Pro: Errands become fun:
From grocery shopping and laundry, to studying and cooking. The list is endless. The most mundane activities become 10x better with your bff by your side.Â
Con: Tensions can rise:
Like any relationship, friendships are not immune to arguments. Living together will cause some disagreements. They might range from passive agressiveness to full blown fights. Just remember that dirty dishes aren’t worth ending your friendship over and every time you two resolve any disagreement, you’ll come out the other side stronger than ever.Â
Pro: Friendship growth:
Living together brings out a whole other side of your friendship. You see one another for all that you are and I mean all! From the moody days to the ones filled with laughter. By the time the school year is through, you’ll know eachother in ways you never imagined. That’s when you know, despite the petty arguments that may arise, your friendship is solid and what better feeling is there than that? Â