1. Reading has become 1000 times harder than it was before
2. You’ve become an expert on skimming
3. Netflix has taken top priority in your life
4. So has your bed…your bed is your favorite place
5. You refer to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors as “kids these days”
6. Sitting in class is now the time when you think about everything you need to do before you graduate
7. Instead of doing homework, you endlessly browse GauchoLink because you need to go SOMEWHERE after June
8. Leggings, leggings, and more leggings, because who has time to actually get dressed?
9. Ignoring all schoolwork because you only have two months of school left so why do I need to do this?
10. ….then scrambling to do it the night before because you remember that your grades still kinda sorta matter
11. You jump at the chance to go to any social event, because it might be your last chance to drink a beer at every restaurant in IV
12. The graduation goggles are real