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Tales From Our Awkward Lives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.


Another week, another series of indubitably uncomfortable encounters. Every day our dignity trips over our second left foot, steps in gum, and runs into screen doors, allowing embarrassment to yet again prevail. Welcome to another week of our unfortunately awkward lives: 

  • The guy sitting next to me in lecture put his foot on top of mine, (hopefully) thinking that my foot was his backpack or something. I didn’t want him to realize he’d done this, so I just stayed very still for the rest of class and let him leave first.
  • I line-danced down Pardall at around 9:00 p.m.—too early for anyone to acceptably do something like that.
  • Halfway through my day on campus, I realized I’d forgotten to wear a bra.
  • I got asked to lunch by a 35 year-old Mechanical Engineering graduate student and instead told him maybe we’d see each other around the library sometime.
  • I wanted to try the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup sauce at Sweet Alley, so I pumped the bottle out into my hand and it got everywhere. As I tried to lick my hand clean, the worker was like, “You know we have sample cups…”
  • I was trying to keep my long-distance relationship spicy by sending a sexy text message to my boyfriend and instead accidentally sent it to his mom…luckily, she believed me when I said that my iPhone autocorrected “hug” to “f***”.
  •  I was telling my dad about my science class and how we were learning about this new organism that was discovered in the deep-sea region of the Atlantic, when I accidentally switched “orgasm” for “organism”—”it’s such a huge orgasm; I just want to feel it!”…yikes.
  • I went home last weekend to see my boyfriend, and he ended up crashing at my house for a couple of nights. When I got back to school on Monday, I woke up to a text from my mom saying, “Hey, you! Do you know where the bolts and screws to your bed went? Your bed must’ve broken because of the extra weight this weekend”…yeah that must have been it, Mom…

Stay tuned next week for more tales from our awkward lives!

Rachel is a senior at UC Santa Barbara and studies Communication and Global Peace and Security. Rachel is from a small, beautiful town in southern California called Palos Verdes. However, Palos Verdes is just one of the many places Rachel has lived. Rachel spent her childhood moving and traveling all over the world, living in places such as Indianapolis, Indiana; Santiago, Chile; Vienna, Austria; and Orlando, Florida. Rachel has found her heart and her home in California, choosing to spend her college years in sunny Santa Barbara. However, Rachel continued her wanderlust when she studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain in Fall 2012. At UCSB, Rachel is an immensely dedicated and involved member of her sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma, where she held the positions of Panhellenic Delegate, Inter-Greek Counselor, Rho Gam, and a member of the Nominating Slate. Best Buddies, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, is a passion of Rachel's, as she is their Social Media Coordinator as well as an active and proud member. As a member of the Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honors Society, Rachel is able to implement her prowess and affinity for communication and communication-related issues. When Rachel is not writing, participating in Kappa events, or volunteering, you can find her in the gym, on the soccer field, watching Modern Family, or cooking. Rachel's love for sports, food, and writing often times go hand-in-hand, as one may see in her weekly blogs. For the past two summers, Rachel has been freelance writing for the Los Angeles Times, and hopes to continue her career pursuit of journalism after she graduates. Rachel is elated to be a part of Her Campus's fabulous team and loves every moment of it!
Phoebe is a senior at the University of California, Santa Barbara, majoring in Film and Media Studies. She is from San Diego, CA and loves spending time hiking and walking her dog on the beach. At UCSB, Phoebe is involved with her sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and loves to take study breaks by baking and watching reality TV. However, she is truly passionate about cats and Nutella (not together of course). After graduation, Phoebe plans to travel abroad in Europe and pursue a career in Public Relations.