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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

“Coffee or tea?” This age-old ice breaker is a determinator of what someone thinks about you, and has been asked countless times by TA’s trying to break the awkwardness during section, talking stages on Snapchat, and first dates feebly attempting small talk.

But what if you don’t want to be put in a specific box of people who like coffee (bean water) or tea (herb juice)? What if you love both? My lovely friends, may I present to you, the Dirty Chai. It is the perfect concoction of spicy, sweet, caffeinated deliciousness, meant to warm you up for the study sessions that never end when you’re on the quarter system. This chai latte with a shot (or 2, or 3) of espresso, is my go-to order at any coffee shop, and I have searched high and low for the best one in Santa Barbara. My journey for the finest small dirty chai with oatmilk took me to over 10 coffee shops in the general 805 area, and I have perfected a list of the top 5 coffee shops that are guaranteed to become your new go-to’s.

#1) Handlebar Coffee Roasters in Santa Barbara

This is the best dirty chai in Santa Barbara, hands down. The spices are perfectly done, but beware that it leans heavily on the ginger and warming spices (which I personally love). Handlebar roasts their coffee beans almost every day, which really shows in their hand-pulled espresso shots- and when mixed with their fresh chai, serves for a life changing experience. Their De La Vina location in Santa Barbara has a beautiful sunny, spacious outdoor patio with chairs for studying or debriefing your latest life update with your roommates. I became hooked on Handlebar Coffee Roasters about two years ago when I was visiting various colleges with my mom and sister, and I still remember the taste of the slightly sweet, creamy dirty chai we purchased. Along with delicious coffee, Handlebar holds a plethora of fresh, local pastries that you will absolutely want to snag to dip into your latte. This local delicacy holds a special place in my heart, and I guarantee it will be love-at-first-sip when you get your hands on their coffee.

#2) Dart Coffee Co.

Located in the Funk Zone, a neighbor in Santa Barbara that celebrates the arts, Dart is a bustling coffee shop, serving coffee made from fresh ground, fragrant beans, and shares a space with a fast casual middle eastern restaurant, called Tamar. If you order a dirty chai, expect smooth, strong expresso, contrasted with a chai blend made of cardamom, ginger, cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon, and beautifully dusted with powdered spices. Their drink is top tier, and warms you up on a cold day, which is really pleasant when the rare marine layer of fog rolls in and covers sunny Santa Barbara. I recommend asking for your coffee “for here,” so you get to use a cute coffee mug and the perfect seat for people watching- the variety in fashion in the Funk Zone is seriously insane, you must do this.

#3) Dune Coffee Roasters

If you don’t have a car or a good sense of the bus system yet, Dune Coffee Roasters’ dirty chai comes in as a close second to Handlebar’s. Dune is just a quick 5 minute bike ride from Isla Vista, and their strong espresso will wake you right up (if the bike ride didn’t). The 12 ounce dirty chai with oatmilk is the perfect fun drink to accompany a study session, it’s creamy, spicy, and aesthetic looking, with a little dust of cinnamon on top. I find that every time I go, the service is fast, and the espresso is never burnt- unlike the Arbor’s (hot take, I’m sorry!). The drink is also good hot or iced, which is always appreciated. 

#4) KOZY Coffee

I feel like Kozy is such an underrated IV coffee shop! Located across the street from IV Deli Market, the inside of Kozy has dark furniture and walls contrasted with a variety of green plants, which give it such a comforting, aesthetic vibe. I think the iced chai is a must here, because they use the finest ice shape around- the pebble. Yes, the espresso is pulled great, and they use a great chai mix, but the pebble ice, what a girl dreams of, is what makes the Kozy dirty chai top tier. Kozy gets a well deserved spot in the top 5.

#5) Caje

You can’t make a top coffee in the 805 and not include Caje. Whether its the location in IV or downtown, Caje is a classic spot for a fun drink. When the espresso is pulled right, they make a really good latte. The chai is strong, and the tables outside the shop are perfect for people to watch while you’re sipping away- seriously, you can’t go to Caje in IV without running into that one guy from your section, or someone from your freshmen orientation group you don’t talk to anymore. Pick up one of Caje’s dirty chais before you go to the lib, and I promise it’ll be one of the best lock-in sessions you’ll have.

When you are next faced with the horrifying aspect of an ice breaker— which seriously seems to make the room that much icier— and are asked whether you like coffee or tea, you can confidently say, “both.” The dirty chai offers the indecisive Gaucho at a coffee shop an out, and if you pick up one from this list, you are guaranteed to be warmed and awakened by the delectable combination of spices and coffee.

Hey! My name is Kiana Woods and I am an English major at UCSB from the Monterey Bay Area. When I'm not studying or working with Her Campus, you can find me floating in the ocean or with a good book. I also love spending time with friends, cooking, and listening to Jack Johnson and Sade!