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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

This past winter quarter, I decided to change up my schedule and take an online class through UC Online. While scrolling through my email inbox, I stumbled across the advertisement for the opportunity to take online courses at other UC campuses, while still earning credit at UCSB. Of course, I had many questions about the pros and cons of these courses, such as how my credits would transfer, where I could get help during the asynchronous course, and whether taking an upper division class asynchronously was risky. However, I quickly found all the answers to my doubts and questions by speaking with counselors and reading the detailed UC Online student FAQs.

I think it is such an excellent opportunity to learn from professors at other UC campuses and work together with students from other schools, with no extra charge outside of the tuition at your home campus. As much as I enjoy my in-person courses, having an asynchronous class is a nice change within my busy schedule. As a college student taking five classes every quarter, participating in sports, being involved in clubs, and working, I understand how important free time and relaxation can be. The beauty of college is that we have the power and accessibility to make our schedules, which you can easily make UC Online a part of your upcoming quarters.

My personal experience

As a political science major, I enrolled in POL SCI 147e: Critical Investigations into Humanitarianism in Africa. This course holds intense debates on the effectiveness of aid in Africa, presents critical concerns that challenged my perspectives and left a lasting impact on my understanding of the subject. We had discussion sections with our TA every other week and office hours work the same way, also teachers are very responsive because they are aware of the fact that people will have questions throughout their assignments. Despite the asynchronous course, I was able to participate in group projects and discussions with students from all UC campuses. This not only expanded my knowledge but also fostered new friendships. It was exciting to hear about other students’ experiences as political science majors at their campuses, and learning about the different courses that are offered within their programs.

I remember completing my assignments while laying out in the grass, completing tasks on the road to vacations, and working ahead to have more time to focus on my other classes during midterm and finals week. The flexibility this class gave me taught me a lot about my time management skills, allowing me to do much better in my classes overall. 

How to enroll

It is good to know that UCSB only allows students to enroll in one UC Online course a quarter. On their page, you can search classes according to subject area, and when you click on the course, it will show you the credits you earn per UC campus, professor details, class details, and the syllabus for the course. I think it is convenient that the syllabus is already posted; that way, you can make sure that you enroll in a class that you feel fits you best.

After you enroll, the campus where you are taking the class will confirm that you meet the requirements and that you’re all set. Once you finish the course, your grades will automatically transfer to GOLD within two weeks. Super easy and efficient!

UC Online is a great opportunity that should be advertised more, because it is an extra credit booster, an easy way to fulfill your GE requirements, has self-paced instruction, and is a great way to see what it is like to study at another UC campus. I know I applied to other UC campuses, and many of you have probably considered attending other UC schools in your application process; it is a hard decision because all campuses provide a unique educational opportunity.

UC Online offers a connection between the UC campuses and a way to learn from professors at other great schools. Seats fill up fast for these courses, so check your email and look out for the class release dates. You can enjoy a quarter of more free time and new academic challenges thanks to UC Online! 

Hi! I'm Kaylee and I am a second-year student double majoring in English and Political Science at UCSB. I am from Los Angeles but I grew up in Utrecht, the Netherlands for most of my life. I am part of the editorial team for Her Campus! My hobbies include playing the guitar, traveling, and playing field hockey.