It totally sucks to check snapchat or instagram and see that your friends hung out without you. We think it means that they actively chose to not invite us. However, most of the time people make plans last minute or because they bump into each other. If this becomes a reoccurring pattern, maybe these friends aren’t as fun as you think they are.
2. Being Alone
This is similar to FOMO but can apply more widely. Whether you’re a freshman who is missing their hometown or the only single housemate, being alone can be frustrating and depressing. There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely and it’s important to love yourself and get to know yourself better in the times when you’re alone.
3. Not Being Involved in Enough
There are not enough hours in the day to do everything we want to do. College offers so many opportunities, but it’s important to prioritize a few choice activities. Join a sports team, a club, get an unpaid internship or do all three, but remember that school comes first, then your health and then everything else.
4. Doing Poorly in School
We can joke all we want about failing out of school and just laying on the beach all day. As university women we all know that we will end up in the library working on our essays and getting our degrees. It is definitely not always easy and who knows maybe you will fail a class or two, but you got into college for a reason and you will succeed.
5. Getting Hurt
It’s terrifying to put ourselves out there. Both hook up culture and serious relationships could lead to us being broken hearted. Choosing to be vulnerable is not easy and puts us in a place that gives others power over ourselves. It might not sound ideal, but vulnerability can lead to incredible relationships and personal growth.
6. Graduation
It’s coming. Sooner than we think. Enjoy today and trust that whatever’s next will probably be pretty chill.Â