(It’s an epidemic. You might have caught it. If you can relate to 6/10 of the characteristics below, it’s time to get another nose piercing)
1. When confronted, you vehemently deny your hipster status
2. You own at least three pairs of Toms–one for one, man!
3. You wear an inappropriate amount of sweaters
4. To attain the thrift shop aesthetic, you spent an exorbitant amount of money at Brandy Melville and Urban Outfitters
5. You have mysterious little tattooes in foreign languages, probably on your ribcage
6. If Caje were open any later, you would spend the night there
7. You exist on a steady diet of Yerba Mate tea, soy products, and kale
8. You don’t wash your hair because the natural oils are beneficial in addition to that extra shine they give the area near your scalp
9. You rolled your eyes when Bon Iver won the Grammy, but you actually softly whimper yourself to sleep every night to the sound of his melodic poetry
10. This list hits too close to home, and you despise yourself a little right now
If this is you, it’s okay. Adjust your slouchy beanie and continue swimming against the current of the mainstream, you wily maverick, you.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.