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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


We all know that one guy that will probably be the CEO or president of something. The guy that will make a huge impact on the world! The lovable sweetheart that can manage 500 different activities at once! Who has found some sort of balance to juggle everything! Calvin is a second year from NorCal who believes he has found his role in college! He is a pre-med Clinical Psychology major, aspiring to practice child psychiatry. 

Calvin is very involved in Greek Life. He is in Kappa Sigma and serves as the chapter’s Publications Chair and is on the recruitment, philanthropy, and athletics committees. On top of that, he serves on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board as the VP Service. He organizes community service events, like donation and food drives and fundraisers, and promote participation in events hosted by other student organizations. Additionally, he recently became a Camp Kesem Counselor. Although it is his first year, being a part of this organization he has been fundraising to provide children, who are affected by a family member’s cancer, with a week-long summer camp.


What motivates you to partake in so many activities?

I am motivated by my active lifestyle. Free time is enjoyable and relaxing, but I don’t like too much free time; it leads to complacency. I stay involved because I enjoy being busy. Also, I love volunteering. I grew up doing community service and volunteering in my local community, back home, so, naturally, I developed an affinity to community service.


If you could in a video game, what video came would you be in?

I am an old-school gamer. If I were to be in a video game, it would probably be Pokemon Yellow. Why? Three words: Special Pikachu Edition.


How’s high school you different from college you?

I think that ever since I came to UCSD, I’ve grown out of my shell. To be honest, I was a pretty reserved person in high school. I’m definitely more vocal and outgoing now!


If you could make one difference, what would it be?

it would be to change the social stigma that people battling mental illness experience. They’re shamed and excluded, when they should be embraced and comforted. I want to change the “culture of shame” that our society fosters.


How are you able to balance everything?

To be honest, I only recently found a balance. Before, I was unorganized and scrambled to meet deadlines. I’ve learned that to in order maintain a balance between all of my responsibilities, I needed to plan a schedule and follow through!


Who’s your celebrity crush?

Genie Bouchard. If you don’t know who she is, do yourself a favor and look her up. Thanks.

Writer, reader, loves giving life advice and inspiring people!
Rebecca is a second year student majoring in Cognitive Science. Her goal is to either be involved in Alzheimer's research or be a child psychologist. She helped plan recruitment for her sorority this year and enjoys soaking up the sun at the beach.