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12 Christmas Gifts That Won’t Break Your Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

So, Christmas is a few weeks away and your mom just told you that your cousins that you haven’t seen since you were like, seven, are joining for Christmas lunch, and you literally spent your last bit of savings on midnight craving for pizza and now are too broke to buy people presents.

Here is a list of 13 presents that are super cute and won’t break your bank:

  1. DIY Pampering Kit

Everyone deserves a little pampering, so why not buy a face mask, some lotions, and make your loved one a homemade body scrub? Check out Wellness Mama’s website on how to make your own body scrub: https://wellnessmama.com/3628/sugar-scrub-recipe/

2. A Mixtape

What you need:

A PC or Laptop


CD Case with a personalised design


Burning songs onto a CD is retro in the cool way, like polaroid cameras. The beauty of a mixtape lies in the fact that you can tailor it to a specific person. It does take a bit of time and effort to choose the songs, but it shows that person that you pay attention to the things they are interested in. You can even include songs that you both have memories of. Another perk of this is that you can avoid crowded shopping malls.


 3. An Adult Colouring Book and Pencils

Listen, Adulting is super difficult, not to mention stressful. Solution: try to feel like a kid again by colouring. Check out Takealot for adult colouring books for less than R100.

4. Scented Candles

They smell super yummy, and what better way to relax than taking a nice bubble bath, surrounded by candles? . Scented candles available at Clicks for R70.

5. A Scrapbook/Photo Collage

What better way to honour special memories of those you love than by immortalising them in a collage or scrapbook?

6. Socks

Did you read that correctly? Yes.

Let’s face it, we all have mismatched socks, holey socks and socks that haven’t seen their partner in months. Socks are like warm hugs for you feet, so be a good friend today and let someone have matching socks for a little while before the washing machine transports them to a foreign planet. Check out Socks for Africa for cool designs that suit your budget.

7. A Mug with Some Fancy Tea

Any tea lover would be thrilled to get a new mug and a box of their favourite tea for Christmas. Alternatively, you could substitute the tea with coffee for those who need their morning caffeine before anything else.

8. A Scarf or Pashmina

Scarves are perfect for someone whose clothing size you don’t know, and acts as the perfect accessory to any outfit.

9. Incense

For people who like scented candles but don’t want to be basic, try incense sticks .Check out your local spice shop for both these products.

10. Head Massager

Everyone needs a massage, but not everyone has the budget to splurge on massages. With a head massager, you can chill out at home and just relax – and the best part? It’s free.Head Massagers available at the Crazy Store for only R34.99.


11. Cake Mix Jar

Who doesn’t like cake in a jar?

Add your measured dry ingredients into a jar (you can use a cleaned out old mayo jar to be even more cost efficient).

Decorate your jar and remember to include a tag with the following instructions of what your friend still needs to include when mixing the cake (like eggs and milk) and how long they should bake the cake for.

You could other recipe mixtures in the jar as well, such as brownie mixtures, pancake mixtures, etc.

12. DIY Bookmark

It’s a great to pair with a book for someone who loves to read, or is perfect as a gift by itself. And the best part is that you can personalise the bookmark for your friend/loved one. Check out Good Life Eats for their top 8 ways to make a DIY Bookmark: http://www.goodlifeeats.com/8-cute-diy-bookmark-ideas/