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Is Homeschooling Your Child or Sibling a Viable Option?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Ever heard of home-schooling but don’t know what to make of it? Home-schooling can be such a wonderful experience but just like everything else, it also has its downsides. Weigh your options!

So, what exactly is it?

Home-schooling, also known as home education, is a something that has been around for decades but was only legalised in South Africa in 1996 under the South African Schools Act. Since 1996, it has grown exponentially. With home education, the home becomes the centre of the child’s education, rather than a school. It entails providing education where the parent can control the content being learnt by their child, and providing the teaching and instruction that is geared to the child’s specific needs. The quality of education the child receives is just like the one they would receive in school. The teaching can be provided by a parent or a tutor, and the child gets all the attention they need.

People get home-schooled for various reasons. some of the more popular reasons include having the option of choosing a curriculum tailor-made to the child’s needs and capabilities, getting to spend time with their child and guide and nurture their education, and for safety and security purposes.

Choosing the curriculum 

There are various curriculums to choose from, however, you need to do research to ensure the curriculum meets the child’s needs. The curriculums are reviewed to ensure that they meet the same standard as in schools. Exams can be taken online, at a tutoring centre or at a school that offers the same curriculum that the child is taking.

If you’re wondering whether this is the route to take for your child/sibling, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Pros of home education

  • Parents can choose the curriculum which suits the child’s learning style and interest and choose sports and physical activities which suit the child’s development at the different development stages.
  • Parents can choose the curriculum which aligns with their values, informally transferring ethical values while learning. 
  • The home-schooling environment allows for the adjustment of the pace of learning for the child and is safe. The child can develop without the threat of bullying.
  • Emotionally, the child feels secure within the relationship with their parent/tutor and as the parent knows the child, they will be able to guide their emotional development and IQ.


student studying for school
Photo by Green Chameleon from Unsplash


Cons of home education

  • Socialisation within home education is limited. School environments are designed to teach socialisation, which is an important and complex human skill. 
  • More money goes towards home education. Dedicating time to home-schooling can mean a loss of income or reduced time working.
  • Team sports options change. Most school districts don’t allow home scholars to participate in public school sports teams.
  • It is added pressure and proves to be very stressful to parents as they take on a new role with a lot of responsibilities on top of their day job and family responsibilities. 
  • Parents aren’t qualified to teach and may thus not be equipped to pick up on a learning difficulty and know how to deal with it effectively.


empty classroom
Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli from Unsplash


It’s up to you to decide if the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa! But whatever you decide, do allow your child/sibling to have some input. After all, it’s their education.


BSocSci graduate. Majored in Social Development and Politics & Governance| Liker of wholesome content| Optimistic| Finding comfort in failing and getting back up again because it's not over until it's over| Aspiring to be a versatile writer.