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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Winter in Cape Town is really a mixed bag. While we dance to awaken the rain gods or get on our knees to pray; we know that often, our winters are just purely chilly. Every now and then we’ll get a good and furious downpour or sometimes the sun deceives us and we get a subtle warmth on our cheeks that morning. Either way, it’s important to prepare for that! Here are some comfy and stylish wardrobe essentials for a Winter on UCT’s campus.


Athleisure sneakers

  • I am truly grateful that athleisure shoes became a thing. It combined the stylish look of sneakers with the comfort and practicality of athletic running shoes. Now, we can be ready for a race across campus to our 8ams without looking like a middle-aged dad in his ‘totally tubular’ jeanakkies (jeans + takkies) look.


A sturdy pair of boots

  • I would highly suggest something that’s slightly water resistant or a pair that doesn’t absorb water easily through the thin fabric. Not only is walking on campus basically a hike within itself; it’s super practical, in fashion, and ready for anything that Cape Town’s spontaneous weather has to offer.


Yoga pants

  • Public Service Announcement: you don’t need to do any form of exercise to wear these. These are super comfy, stretchy, and surprisingly, can keep you super warm during chilly days because they cling to your body! Best of all: you can go colourful and expressive or choose a classic black – anything goes with yoga pants! Everyone around campus wears them, even if they’re not heading to the gym after lectures. No one needs to know. We’ll keep it our little secret.



  • Best for bad hair days, cold and rainy days and for the days where you just want to block out the world. Pockets are a big win with hoodies, so you can hide your chocolate bars right in front when you need them, especially during your “moon time”. No one cares as much about high fashion in winter – practicality and warmth triumph over all!


Big, comfy knitwear jumpers

  • In Autumn, when the mornings are crisp and cold but the afternoons are smoking hot, it’s best to have something you can layer with. Knitwear jumpers are incredibly stylish and aesthetically pleasing, while also being quite cool because of the breathable material and style of knit. It’s great to throw over your shoulders or tie around your waist when the seasons change later in the day.


Boyfriend jeans or jeggings

  • I’m declaring 2018 a year that we don’t bother with skin-tight, unbearable jeans when we don’t feel like it. It’s sometimes so difficult to move around campus in stiff jeans. This is why leggings that appear like jeans (jeggings) and baggy boyfriend jeans are a great investment for this Wintery season. If the boyfriend jeans get too airy for you, a sneaky pair of stockings underneath will do the trick.



An umbrella

  • I’m putting this on the list as a wishful thinking act and call out to the universe for rain to end this drought. Small ones are purchasable at H&M or Mr Price and are easy to tuck into your backpack.



A big, warm, wear-everyday kind of jacket

  • Who said it wasn’t cool to repeat clothing items day after day? Definitely not me. Often big, practical jackets that can withstand the rain, wind, and cold are a little pricey. Therefore, only one is really needed. If you purchase one in a neutral colour like olive green, black, or grey, you wear it every day and no one will bat an eye. Stay warm out there!



And finally, a look that combines so many of these winter-must-haves



Well done Karlie Kloss, you’d fit right in here at UCT.


Caroline works at one of South Africa's top magazines while also finishes off her triple major in Multimedia Production, Media & Writing, and Film Studies at UCT. Caroline  is passionate about finding fantastic, everyday people's stories, collaborating with kick-ass women, and all things lifestyle journalism. Caroline is an intersectional feminist, yogi, and is always looking to learn something new.