Pinterest isn’t just a fun hobby anymore. Nowadays, employers are searching everywhere to find any possible information they can about potential employees. It’s very easy to find someone’s Pinterest account now, but have no fear! Believe it or not, Pinterest can be a great way to show off who you are and what you’re passionate about. You can arrange your Pinterest account in such a way that you keep the boards you wouldn’t want future employers to see private and instead showcase the ones that really put your talent and hobbies out there for anyone to notice. Here are the 10 boards that every girl should have on her Pinterest, as well as the boards that should be hidden from public view.
1. Travel-inspired board: One of the best boards for an employer to see is one that is passionate about traveling. This type of board showcases that you are adventurous and open to new cultures and challenges.
2. Life quotes board: There is no better way to represent the heart of your individual values than by creating a life quotes board. This board can show what you are passionate about through sayings and quotes that represent who you are as a person. Have a role model who has greatly influenced your life? Pin pictures of their quotes. If you’re religious, this is a great place to show that aspect of your life, as there usually isn’t time during interviews to talk about your religious beliefs.
3. Fitness board: Some studies have shown that people who are physically fit are more likely to experience higher rates of job success. Showcase cute workout clothes and running shoes as well as healthy recipes on this board.
4. Past jobs board: Believe it or not, but many companies do have their logos or past projects on Pinterest. By showcasing a board of these pins, you further solidify your resume by showing you are passionate about what you have accomplished and where you’ve been.
5. Published content board: If you’ve ever had any stories or content published online, then definitely create a board to allow hiring managers to have easy access to that content! This will look impressive to future employers that you’re proud of what you’ve done and that you’ve been published. It will entice them to click on the article and read it for themselves.
6. Brand-inspired board: Have you ever been a campus representative for any type of company? Then don’t be afraid to hold back on their products. Pin away to show off that you are great at marketing and know how to showcase a brand to the best of your ability.
7. Interior design board: This is a great board to show your future employer that you’ve become more mature and are getting ready to settle down in a home or larger apartment of your own.
8. Fashion board: Here you can showcase your own personal style! Pin both original photos of you rockin’ outfits as well as pins of other fashionable gals with similar personal style to you. I guarantee employers are interested to see what type of clothes you enjoy wearing because they’ll get an idea of what you look like before you show up for your interview.
9. Sport board: Sports are another topic that often arise in conversation. A sporty board shows that you are interested in multiple facets of culture and can connect with coworkers who are passionate about sports as well. Even if you aren’t incredible at a sport, it’s still great to make a board inspired by it.
10. Miscellaneous board: One of my favorite boards is simply titled, “Things that Make Me Smile.” This is the type of board that is great to show off all of the random things in life that you want to pin, but just can’t find the right board to post them in.
Boards you should hide: Even if you are the life of the party, it’s definitely a good idea to keep those alcohol-related boards hidden from public view on your profile. Employers know that boards titled “Cooler Painting Ideas” and “Bubba Keg Painting Ideas” are alcohol-related subjects, so it’s definitely best to keep those boards to yourself. I also have heard many of my friends who have wedding-related Pinterest boards. It’s up to you whether or not you decide to hide this one, but if your employer asks you about it and you’ve been single for years, then it’s probably best to avoid an awkward conversation and go ahead and put it on private mode.
Whether you are applying to a job now, or are planning on applying to one in the near future, it’s never too early to begin showcasing yourself and your passions. So get out there and start pinning!
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