Humidity is a curly girl’s worst enemy. Unfortunately, it makes going to school in a swamp (#GoGators) a danger zone for curls everywhere.
It’s frustrating to see all the hard work you put into shaping your curls get tarnished from taking one step outside, but after 19 years of frustration, I’ve finally curated a list of products that actually work (on most days).
I’m not going to lie — it’s never perfect, but that’s just a curly girl’s life.
The best part is, they’re all reasonably priced so my broke college student wallet won’t drive me to guilt. Here are my favorite curly hair products brought to you on a broke college student’s budget:
- OGX Renewing + Argan Oil of Morocco Conditioner
This has been my favorite conditioner for a while now. The conditioner is thick with two C’s. It moisturizes curls so well and leaves behind a smell that’s oh, so good. It’s my routine conditioner. I even use a couple spurts as a leave-in conditioner for some extra moisture on those especially muggy days. It only costs about $6 and can last you a couple months. Bonus points: It’s free of sulfates and parabens, so you know it’s looking out for your beautiful curls.
- Beauty Logica Eco Style Gel Black Castor & Flaxseed Oil
Hair gel can often be a hit or a miss; either it’ll maintain your curls or turn them stiff and leave behind some yucky residue. However, this hair gel keeps my curls shaped yet soft throughout the day, and I never go a day without it. Best part: It’s! So! Cheap!
A huge 8 ounce container of it usually goes for about $4. Yes, that’s really it.
I don’t apply much to my hair because of its consistency. So, the container literally lasts me for months. I don’t know if I’ll ever switch gels because its such an amazing deal.
- Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Moist Deeeeep Liquid Conditioner
That’s not a typo. This conditioner really dives deeeeep into your hair and soaks it with moisture. When my hair’s feeling particularly dry and frizzy, this is my go-to product to soak my curls, then I brush them out. It’s free of parabens and sulfates. Plus, it’s rich with avocado and jojoba oils. Ugh, I can’t get enough of it.
- Castor Oil
I’ve raved over natural hair oils before, and I’ll do it again. Fresh out of the shower, castor oil is the first product I grab. Every night, I drench my hair in a tablespoon of castor oil for some added moisture and strength. It helps your hair grow faster, which we all love. An entire bottle can last about six months.
- Creme of Nature Professional Argan Oil Moisture and Shine Shampoo
Normally, I can’t say much about shampoo. It’s something I use significantly less than any other hair products. But this one, I really enjoy.
In general, shampoo tends to dry out my hair. This one begins the moisturizing process before even a dollop of conditioner nears my curls. It makes it easy to start detangling. Plus, the smell is just delicious.
There’s no exact formula for my hair product madness. It depends on the day, it depends on the weather and it definitely depends on the location, but these have become my stable go-to products that help define my curls.
It helps me love the curls that I’ve taken time to embrace. Hopefully, these products help you as well.